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Hey guys...
Been hanging onto this old post and figured to try it some day...(not the acid part but the Vinegar & Evapo-rust) Referring to this thread here:
Bringing back this topic again in the hopes of gaining a couple tips from you guys. This worked for me as far as the rust, but now I need a couple tips...
The other day, I tried soaking a few pcs of two rail track in Evapo-Rust. Soaked for about two hours, and it didn't do much for me, there was still some rust on the track, although some had definitely come off. Enough to see it would definately work.
Fast forward to last night, I thought I just needed more time soaking. So about 11 pm last night, I soaked a bunch of track, one group in vinegar, one group in Evapo-rust. Soaked for 6 hours...first thing this morning I rinsed everything off, and was surprised to see not only all the rust gone, but all the paint as well. When I soaked for two hours I had no paint loss...guess the sweet spot is in between 2 hours and 6 hours.
I was also surprised on two things...first, only about half the rails turned out "bright and shiny"...the other half, the rust is gone, but the rails themselves still have that gorgeous old patina I love....but it won't look good with half shiny and half not shiny.
Also...after baking in the oven for 15 minutes at 180, soon as I removed them the flash rust started, no big deal as I have to take the track all apart now anyway to reblacken the ties. I was after just a good clean original patina look without rust but that's off the table I'm thinking. 
So my questions...
I'm going to take the track apart and paint the ties. It was mentioned above in Gandydancers post that he blackens the ties with gun blue. I've looked up and down online, does anyone have a photo of that they could share here? I am wondering what's best, gun blue or just black paint? If paint, black satin, flat or gloss? Also wondering if the gun bluing holds better (doesn't chip)  when crimping back together? 
Taking the track apart, just use a regular pliers or is there a special tool made for crimping them back down when putting back together? Any tips on taking track apart & putting back together is a help here....or is the rivet press the best way to go there... there any treatment I can apply that will give all the rails the same sheen? Can't put a layout together with some track that looks brand new and shiny and other track that looks like it has years of patina...I love the old rust free patina look though.
Incidentally I might mention my results...I found this surprising...the Evapo-rust product did leave some paint on the ties yet. The track I soaked in vinegar, zero paint left on them at all. That was using just regular household white vinegar.1 Before2 After 
Thank you for any tips you can give me...



Images (2)
  • Before
  • After
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