These have always been problematic, but this year somehow a few of them got little black corrosion dots in the roof corrugations. Maybe I skipped a year? Outta sight, outta mind. Or something. They are on display, but hangars get damp in the Winter, I guess.
So after a lot of effort and medium results, I wound up with Scotchbrite and polishing compound, used together. That seems to be yielding some success - I don’t like the looks of all those black dots.
Also, I have heard that flour would aid in removing aluminum polish, and while it has never worked before, I discovered that if I use a lot of it, the polish comes right out of the grooves. Not sure of the mechanism, but it takes more flour than I would have expected.
And to protect, I am applying wax. I started out with Turtle, but graduated to a very expensive product called “3D” that I discovered high-end aircraft detailers using.
I am wide open to other suggestions - I have about six cars to go, so I won’t be done before Friday.