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Mike also make sure the the TT installation is perfectly level with the table service as each whisker track will also have to be perfectly level. I have 38 tracks coming into mt Millhouse TT and having homasote on the top for noise I had to add screws all the around the TT to insure all tracks remained level. It was ALOT of work but since I have it instantiate I no longer have to handle any locomotive once I put it on the track. I absolutely love the TT and all the work I put into the installation. The folks at Millhouse are fantastic in thier support I had to remove parts of the table and send it back as it would not retain the settings and they fixed no problem. Works great just READ the instructions start to finish before indexing it. That was my mistake not completely reading them thoroughly before indexing. I spent to much time chasing ghosts because of not completely reading before starting. They are not hard or complicated it was just me cutting corners being in a hurry!

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