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I am considering purchasing the 2501010 LCCA version or the 2533110 The Senator version.

Will these be the same color?

If not, what color will each be?

(in the catalog the colors appear different)

I did ask Lionel by emailing "Talk to us" but they said they were not able to pull up 2501010 to see the difference.

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Expensive toys bought by adults. I interpret the catalog to mean that these two models are intended to represent GG1s that are painted Tuscan Red. The actual color the models come out after manufacturing is a separate topic. Even if photographs of pre-production models in a catalog looked absolutely authentic to the prototype, that would be encouraging, but the end results of industrial mass production materials and processes are not necessarily the same thing.  If it were me, I would place a pre-order with a seller who will state in writing that if you are dissatisfied with the color of the finished product they will take the model back for a full refund (except for shipping) . Until it is in front of us, we can’t experience what color it is.


      On the Trainworld TV catalog review show aired this past Thursday (12/8) Ryan From Lionel said that the Postwar Inspired set GGI would match the non scale GGIs of the 1950/60 postwar era. He did not mention anything about the Lionel Lines GGI so I would guess that one will be the same shade Tuscan as all the other Tuscan GGIs in the catalog. Go on YouTube and watch that show.

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