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Thank you to all who chimed in on the previous thread gauging interest on the idea of a buddy build and for the kind words concerning the good old days of the Token Build and Blog.  With Vulcan's help I hope to be able to get that site up and running and once again use it as an archive for these community showcases of talent and hard work.

I'm starting this new thread in the hopes of giving interested builders an opportunity to post their top three ideas for the upcoming project.  Keep in mind the following when considering your choices:

1)  Build has to be completed in a month's timeframe

2) Structure or scenic project must be generic enough in nature that it could be adapted to fit any layout,          theme or time period

3) The majority of the build has to be scratchbuilt, meaning aftermarket parts preferably at the minimum

4) Choice of project is something of a skill level that is reasonable enough so that no "special" talent (electrical) ,equipment (soldering), or second job ($$$) is required to complete 

Sound reasonable?  Please feel free to discuss any other possible considerations to the mix.

So after ten years of consideration here are my three ideas for a February Token Build.  I like to use the "Goldilocks Rule" when making picks ... one that's small, one that's big, and one that's just right  

1) small: a kiosk 

2) big: a rural farm house

3) just right: a small barn


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bfishma1 posted:

Cant take a dump on that idea Martin  

Same size and shape proves one of the enduring points of the build ... as long as you're willing to sign up, there's a whole lot of crap you can pull off 

Clever lad,

I've not got any space on my bench for quite a while, and almost everything I build now goes into print elsewhere (   ).  Somewhere I probably have a photo of a farmhouse that I wanted to build once upon a time.  Problem for me is once done, I have no further use of a structure - the layout is full!

Thanks to those who have added their input so far.  All jokes aside, it seems as if the interest expressed is leaning towards the kiosk/outhouse angle.  I found this interesting example on Shorpy I'm thinking about using as a template if the build ends up going that route.  Still hoping for more votes for the barn though ... need something to compliment that darn corn crib I built  



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Shameless bump to bring this post back to the top so it doesn't drown in the weeds (thanks Vulcan)

So based on my clever accounting skills, it seems as if we have a possibility of four participants in the upcoming February Token Build.  Martin (mwb), Pete (avanti), Mark, and some jerk named bfishma.  

Votes seem to be up in the air but in agreement that the build should be relatively simple, nothing too fancy or difficult as many seem to have other projects that they are currently working on.

I'm still up for a modest barn as perhaps Martin.  Not ruling out the kiosk.  Still got plenty of time for others that are interested to sign up and weigh in with build ideas!

If we are going to do a barn, I suggest that it specifically be a ramshackle/abandoned barn. IMO, this would add to the interest and also make for a more forgiving project for beginners. I suppose, though, that that could be left as an option to the builder.

BTW: I am going to be traveling for the first two weeks of February, so I may have a late start.

pete & mark:

build is in the eye of the beholder.  thats the beauty.  as long as its a "barn" you're in the clear.  heck could be a train barn!

i plan on roughing mine up a bit too.  one of the advantages to scratchbuilding as opposed to kits or preassembled buildings.  not knocking them, just pointing out the obvious

and no worries on time ... its starting thats the important part.   

bfishma1 posted:

pete & mark:

build is in the eye of the beholder.  thats the beauty.  as long as its a "barn" you're in the clear.  heck could be a train barn!

i plan on roughing mine up a bit too.  one of the advantages to scratchbuilding as opposed to kits or preassembled buildings.  not knocking them, just pointing out the obvious

and no worries on time ... its starting thats the important part.   

Well, that's good because I had a few ideas I was kicking around in my head. So if we're doing this, then when does all this start?

The build will officially begin February 1st with the first thread focusing on completing the frame of the structure.

In the meantime I would suggest doing some research on possible templates to use.  As I mentioned before Shorpy is a great site to get lost in searching for reference photos.  Also I find previous builds by modelers whose work I admire offer great inspiration as well.  

You may also want to start staining wood as I have found that that seems to be one of the most time consuming parts of my builds.  Any prep work you can go ahead and get a heard start on will help in being able to focus your time on the build itself.

With February fast approaching and this Community Build on the horizon, I thought it might be a good idea to start browsing the InterWebs for some ideas and inspiration.  Looks like the "barn" will be the agreed upon structure and I want to try and model a well worn structure.  I also am interested in attempting to model the "traditional" barn look of a gambrel or "dutch roof" with my build.  Here are a few of the examples I found pleasing ... oddly enough they are computer generated 3D models created for use in the graphic software used to generate movies and video games:



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Last edited by bfishma1

Only a few days away from the Community Build.  I'm still doing some research on barns and collecting images of structures that interest me.  Staining wood as we speak.

A few questions since I last posted, which I will gladly try my best to answer:

1) While the agreed upon build will indeed be a barn, the choice of barn is totally up to the builder.  I mentioned before that technically a "train" or "trolley" barn would fit the bill for building.

2)Pictures and any plans or blueprints might be provided via posts by certain builders but since it will likely be specific to their personal build and vision and therefore some information might not be viable for your project.  That being said, I learn a lot and steal some ideas from others for eventually incorporation into my own build.

Thanks to those who have committed to the February Build, the interest of others, as well as the questions. 

Last edited by bfishma1

Last thing I need is a barn...  Okay, I don't need any structures at all since I have zero room for anything on a layout that's been completed as of about 3 weeks ago.

I had considered a farm house though.......and I might do that just for the fun of it if I can squeeze it into everything else in Feb (short month!).  If I had some photos of my great-Uncle's house over at the farm, I'd do something like that one.

Traingeekboy posted:

My first scroll through this and I saw those 3D images and thought: Sheesh, I am staying out of this build session, those guys are pros! 

i need a barn. I may not be able to do this build party, but will definitely keep an eye on it for inspiration. 

  I like to represent the "close enough" folks.  A hopefully encouraging example of lack of percision.

I bandsawed about 25 popsicle sticks at a time for speed. There is about 2 scale inch variation in lengths. we ys inc


No measuring per se; 98% eyeballed.  a vintage 5" wood body/brass flats square (only marked to 1/8") ,an exacto saw, my thumbnail for a miter, 120 sandpaper, Emler's white, 6 pinch  clamps and two rubber bands so far.

I'm finding the number of gondolas worth of wood it will take to build one to be intersting; so I do plan on measuring my popsicle sticks closer out of a curiosity for what a real world materials pile size might be.  The width is about 15"X16')18' per pop-sicle  "board", the thickness I'm not sure of .

mwb posted:

Last thing I need is a barn...  Okay, I don't need any structures at all since I have zero room for anything on a layout that's been completed as of about 3 weeks ago.


  I don't have room either. I just got bored and began cutting wood.  

Then I saw this thread again and figured why not?

bfishma1 posted:

Thanks to those who have added their input so far.  All jokes aside, it seems as if the interest expressed is leaning towards the kiosk/outhouse angle.  I found this interesting example on Shorpy I'm thinking about using as a template if the build ends up going that route.  Still hoping for more votes for the barn though ... need something to compliment that darn corn crib I built  


I love this because it is truly unique...meaning no other commercial scenic makers have offered anything like it (like barns and farm houses). 

joe: i certainly agree, that kiosk is a neat and unique structure.  Shorpy is full of odd finds like this and I highly recommend a visit to the site.

adriatic: getting a head start is a sound plan.  i have found that coffee stirrers come in a variety of sizes and  construction.  i was lucky enough to find a different style of stirrer that is manufactured more narrow and without rounded edges.  also, a large zip-lock bag filled with the stain you desire works great for staining large numbers of stirrers at a time.  but you can always try a gondola instead   

mwb:  uncle farm house works for me ... just happy to know you're considering joining the build 

traingeekboy: dont let the 3D images dissuade you.  They are great reference points but in no way reflect the tangible reality of a scratch build.  imho this cgi approach never looked right to me ... nothing in the real world is that square or symmetrical.  ironically the most realistic builds are the ones that arent perfect.  

February is a short month so plan on me putting up the first post soon in an effort to try and get four full weeks in.

Last edited by bfishma1

  I'm using this face so I can make use of a failed covered bridge's roof and walls as the top floor.  Half this deep, swinging doors to open it up wide at the narrow loft.


  It stands now as a red & white checked door barn, garage sized, two stall maybe.

  The ground floor I'll do as a base to set the "garage" on, acting as the loft.

The height or the doorway is low. 

  Setting it on a small foundation, and extending door height with another board at the bottom, and it's a one tractor barn; maybe room for a nice workbench..? 

 So is there a host thread here? Is this "it"? I'm either near done with a small one... or.... I have a running start at a larger one similar to the above, we'll see.   Either way I'm ready to unload some progress shots somewhere. 


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Avanti posted:
mwb posted:
Somewhere I probably have a photo of a farmhouse that I wanted to build once upon a time. 

Seriously, though, I recommend starting with something modest, at least at first. That way the beginners won't be intimidated and the experts might find the time.


I keep thinking of this one when I see the GA shot. Match sticks in a foam mound, card stock roof, creased and sliced, sides may be dollhouse waynescotting(is that right?)/ siding; or thin tablesaw scrap/homemade dollhouse laminate. I forget exactly... "I build a box"



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Adriatic posted:
 So is there a host thread here? Is this "it"?

Great choice of barn and excellent way to rescue and rework the covered bridge.  I started a new thread last week for those who are participating in the February Build asking for prototype pics and / or "blueprint" drawings as their first post.  Look for another post at week's end asking for progress pics, questions, hints, and advice.

Here is the link to the latest thread:

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