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Is there a way to connect multiple MTH RealTrax wire harnesses to each other without having to cut and solder wires together (which kind of defeats the purpose of the quick connecting banana plug)?

The set provided by MTH is only like 3 feet long and they don't sell a longer cord. I went to Ace Hardware and the big box stores to show them the cord and see if they (1) had a male to male connector or (2) longer cords and no one knew what I was talking about or recognized what I had in my hand, and kept thinking that it was speaker wire.

Anyone know where I can buy longer rolls of wire with banana connector on both ends (not banana on one end and a spade connector on the other) or male to male connectors?



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I don't know of anywhere to get longer cables with banana plugs on each end, but there are these dual banana plugs:

And they make it very easy to make your own using the old fashioned 'zip' lamp cord.

  1. Split the zip cord at each end for about 1" and then strip each resulting wire about 3/8".
  2. Next insert them, together, through the strain-relief hold seen in the very middle of the lower photo.
  3. After that re-separate them and insert one each of the wired into its own hole, left and right, in the top photo, immediately above the pins.
  4. Lastly, insert a small flat screwdriver into each hole in the bottom photo and tighten the clamping screw that you'll see way down deep inside it.
  5. Repeat for the opposite end of the zip cord.

Not too hard but not pre-built either,



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