Being from the postwar era, my new layout is going to have a manual control panel. I am going to show a track layout with each section of track a different color and put the switch controllers adjacent to the switch on the layout. I want to make the track layout as accurate as possible and to scale. I plan to make the layout on Masonite and will prime it white and paint it white with a semi gloss paint.
Question, how best to make stripes indicating the track? I have experimented with broad point oil base markers and am not pleased with the results. I guess I could apply Scotch blue tape and then paint the lines. Very easy with the straight sections but to make the curves look real I guess I could overlap the tape and then cut the curves out with a razor knife but that sounds like a lot of work.
Any suggestions as how others have done it or any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks much,
Jim Lawson