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I had someone working on a layout for me and he sent me the electronic files in RailModeller Pro, but I don't use a Mac. Does anyone know of any way to convert or export those .layout files into ANY other format that can be used on a PC? I think I've used just about all of the layout applications at this point, but I have to draw the line at using a Mac. 😂

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There doesn’t seem to be many options in RailModeller.  I have it.  Looks like just image export. Not sure that could help you.  What are you wanting to move it to on your PC? Meaning what can you import from what you are wanting to use/do on your PC?   i.e.  JPEG? PNG? PDF?

Optionally a grid layout can be printed. It can show track pieces used and export a parts list of what’s being used in your design. Did the creator make it specifying Altas track, Fastrack, or ?

@DoubleDAZ posted:

If the design isn’t too large and you can post an image showing the track numbers, I’ll take a shot at converting it to SCARM.

Dave, you are a gentleman and a scholar, but I'm not sure you want to tackle this one. It's....a lot. I have RR-Track, SCARM, and AnyRail installed, I probably just need to pick one and slowly rebuild this thing a section at a time. Too bad there isn't a common file type that left room for some basic import/export, but that's the train CAD world for you, I guess.
Track Plan


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  • Track Plan

Jeremiah, unless he used custom cut tracks to make the design fit, it’s just a matter of laying each track in whatever software you choose. The SCARM procedure imports a photo of the design and supposedly scales it to match the SCARM workspace. I’ve never tried, but I assume it works fairly well.

Anyway, if tracks were cut, it will still let you to lay the sectional tracks using the photo as a guide and then add the cut ones to fill the spaces that will be left. Even without the background image though, as long as you have or can get a photo of the design with track names or numbers, it’s just a tedious process. The space appears to be something like 19x49. That’s a nice space and I like the design. Good luck.

@DoubleDAZ posted:

Jeremiah, unless he used custom cut tracks to make the design fit, it’s just a matter of laying each track in whatever software you choose. The SCARM procedure imports a photo of the design and supposedly scales it to match the SCARM workspace. I’ve never tried, but I assume it works fairly well.

Anyway, if tracks were cut, it will still let you to lay the sectional tracks using the photo as a guide and then add the cut ones to fill the spaces that will be left. Even without the background image though, as long as you have or can get a photo of the design with track names or numbers, it’s just a tedious process. The space appears to be something like 19x49. That’s a nice space and I like the design. Good luck.

Here's my issue: the person who installed the track used Ross (which is fine), and not only didn't push the ends of the track together, he left gaps sometimes as large as an 8th of an inch between the pieces (check the video attached). I'm attempting to correct it because I'm not at all happy with where things are, and part of what I wanted to do was get an accurate count/layout of what the track SHOULD be, and that's where getting the original layout design into something I can work with would be helpful.

So it's both: some of the pieces were cut to fit, and most of the pieces have some random fraction of an inch added in as a gap between the pieces so none of the math works. And the mainline curves are too close together because he was mistakenly using diameter instead of radius when looking up how much space needed to be between the center rails. Also, he fastened all the track down with pin nails, so pulling up a piece of track and fixing it isn't a simple process, and it's a bit of a mess. As you can see, there's a LOT of track.

It's a bit of a mess, and I'm not very happy.


Videos (1)

Wow, Jeremiah, I can see your dilemma. Do the curves have similar gaps? Other than noise, do trains at least run throughout the layout without hitting each other? It sounds like maybe they don’t. I’m still willing to try to help getting a working SCARM file if I can get some photos showing track IDs, especially the curves and switches, but if the tracks are too close, it sounds like you’re going to have to reconfigure a lot of track. Maybe Mahesh can help with getting photos showing track IDs if he uses the RailModeller Pro software.

The curves are all right around 4 inches, which means there isn't clearance for a 21" passenger car and anything else, much less a large articulated locomotive. The installed admitted he messed it up (after insisting he just followed the NMRA guidance) and is waiting on new/different track to come make sure the minimum distance is 5.5in, so there's definitely a lot of re-work that's going to need to be done. I've resigned myself to the fact that most of the track will have to be pulled up and re-laid, either because it isn't straight, isn't flat, or is too close together in a curve. Not ideal, and not what I was trying to accomplish by paying someone else to do it for me, but definitely a lesson learned.

If I can get the track plan in an app I know how to use I can start making the changes and figuring out what additional track pieces I'll need. I'm trying to figure out RMP but between my unfamiliarity with the product, the differences between it and SCARM (which I've used and love), and my distaste for the Mac in general, it's been a struggle. I'm going to try to export the layout as a PSD, and then pull out each layer of track and see if SCARM will import it.

Hello @J.Dooley (Jeramiah) and @DoubleDAZ (Dave),

I have tried to separate the layout as necessary and hope it is helpful. I have divided them into "Lower Staging LS", "From Lower Staging FLS", "Upper Track". The upper track seems to be independent of the LS and FLS.

The "yellow dots" means the tracks are unconnected. The "+xx" is the height of the tracks.

Please let me know if there are any additional details required. I can try to get them from the layout.


@Pappu posted:

Hello @J.Dooley (Jeramiah) and @DoubleDAZ (Dave),

I have tried to separate the layout as necessary and hope it is helpful. I have divided them into "Lower Staging LS", "From Lower Staging FLS", "Upper Track". The upper track seems to be independent of the LS and FLS.

The "yellow dots" means the tracks are unconnected. The "+xx" is the height of the tracks.

Please let me know if there are any additional details required. I can try to get them from the layout.

Holy cow, this is amazing. Let me open them up and play around. What an unexpected present on a Friday! Thank you so much!

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