Over the last few months I have been converting over anything light-wise I can around the house to LED's, like many others. This includes screw in bulbs and fluorescents, among other things. So a short while back I decided to update my fleet of venerable old 022 switches to the 21st century and I ordered the necessary LED bulbs from Town and Country Hobbies.
After I converted the first few, I powered them up, and guess what? No joy with the red/green LED's on the controllers. Only the lantern LED's on the switch machine would work. So I checked the wiring diagram and discovered the problem. I power my switches with +16 VDC power, and the way they are wired means that the switch LED's get +ve to the base of the bulbs, BUT the controller LED's get -ve to the base of the bulbs, and consequently won't work. And I can't see any easy way to change this. So if you use DC power you will only be able to use LED's in the switches, or the controllers, not both, depending on the polarity of the power connected to the aux power plug. AC power would not have this problem.
Has anyone else had this problem? Any fix been found?