Several of my CAB1s have stopped working due to severe corrosion on the battery contacts.
Is there a way to install new battery contacts or repair the corroded ones?
Thank you.
Several of my CAB1s have stopped working due to severe corrosion on the battery contacts.
Is there a way to install new battery contacts or repair the corroded ones?
Thank you.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
You can remove the contacts with a soldering iron and dip them in vinegar if this corrosion is from the batteries. I just did this on my CAB1L after an unexpected battery leak. You'll have to take the remote apart for this.
I bet you could also find and install new contacts if they're in really bad shape.
Thank you.
The corrosion has weakened or broken the spring contacts so there is no reliable contact.
Ah. Sounds like a replacement then. I'm not sure where to get new parts for that. I would think they're basic enough that you can find them though.
Look on you tube. There were a couple of how to topics on how to repair or replace corroded battery contacts. I had same problem with contacts being corroded from a leaking battery, I was able to clean mine up.
I fixed one years ago with some copper strips, I just made a set of contacts for the end with all the corrosion.
Don't leave the batteries in, it only takes a moment to remove them.
@Jim 1939 this is how I learned. I put the CAB1L away after Christmas last year. This year I had to take it apart and fix the contacts
Yeah I learned the hard way too. I was able to save the contacts.
Amazon sells battery contacts. You will need to know the size. Maybe they will have ones that will fit
@Joe Fermani posted:Amazon sells battery contacts. You will need to know the size. Maybe they will have ones that will fit
I suspect that's a long shot. The battery contacts are custom designed to go into the CAB1 case.
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