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I would like to see some discussion of experiences with coupler alignment of different 3-rail switching locomotives on curved track.

Truck-mounted couplers stay closer to the track center compared to frame-mounted, but on larger locomotives with longer wheelbase trucks, or longer cars with more end overhang, the coupler is on a longer arm that puts the coupler face further from the pivot point of the truck, which makes it diverge further from the center of the track on a curve. So the couplers won't line up as well on curves if the cars have substantially different dimensions.

Steam loco switchers typically have a front frame-mounted coupler on an arm with centering springs. They aren't going to line up for hands-off uncoupling with typical truck-mounted couplers on a sharper curve.

Body-mount couplers are my preferred standard for HO scale trains. However, 3-rail O-gauge trains need the truck-mounted couplers to better handle disproportionately sharper curves.

I'd like to hear about first-hand experiences with remote hands-off coupling and uncoupling with typical 3-rail trains, particularly ON CURVES. Do you find it reliable? Do you prefer certain locos for easier switching in this regard?

This looks like a clever work-around :


Last edited by Ace
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I don't have any sort of useful information, but am very curious about the subject.  I've never had any luck with coupling on curves, though many of my MPC era O27 cars seem to do this much better than other cars.  No idea why.  I also find that my steam locomotives with the coupler set very close to the back of the tender do a much better job than engines with the coupler sticking out a ways.  

Anyway, I look forward to seeing what others have to say here.  


JohnGaltLine posted:

...  I've never had any luck with coupling on curves, though many of my MPC era O27 cars seem to do this much better than other cars.  No idea why ...


Perhaps because the MPC cars have the same style of trucks, and maybe the couplers have a softer touch for coupling?

Last edited by Ace


Thanks for dredging up my previous post on the Switching Assistant. I have several and can send you one if you like. I use them all the time on my 036 curve layout. The switcher can drop them off on a spur and then go and get them when needed. In almost all cases they go along for the ride on the front of the switcher when not in push mode and stay on the track below 10 smph. I have not run them any faster than that.


Scott T Johnson posted:


Thanks for dredging up my previous post on the Switching Assistant. I have several and can send you one if you like. I use them all the time on my 036 curve layout ...


Thanks very much for the offer, but I'm just on a fact-finding mission right now. The shared information here is useful in part for track-planning purposes.  

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