Just a word of advice to the OGR members. Today I was working on cross over jumpers for the double throw double pole switches for the Tortoise machines. I soldered 80 (U) connectors to the 40 wires and when I was connecting the (U) connectors to the switch screws some did not stay connected.
That's when I realized some of the (U) crimp connectors were wider than others.
When I got the storage tray there were not enough compartments for all the crimp connectors I bought so I put the small and medium (U) crimp connectors together.
I had forgotten about this so I now have 18 wires I can't use because no matter how hard I push it down on to the screw they keep pushing back up and won't stay connected. Another thing I did wrong is I made all the wires the same length and when I try to put the 2nd wire on the switch it is not long enough to reach over the 1st wire to the other screw. Take it from a jerk of all trades and a master of nothing try to organize your thing better than me.
Choo Choo Kenny
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