Lionel TMCC 6-18589 C420. New ERR CC-M. New R2LC-08 board from Lionel to replace the -07 board. Serial data wire from J4 pin 1 soldered to pin 24 on R2LC board. Engine assigned #4 & acknowledged by horn. Feature code #8 (diesel with smoke) accomplished & verified by smoke unit operating. Horn, bell, couplers & all sounds operate perfectly.
So why does it still rocket down the track at full power, when the cab-1 button is rotated one notch? What am I missing?
I’ve read other threads about serial data not attached, leading to this. Also about isolating pin 24 on the R2LC & connecting the CCM’s J4 pin #2 to buffer serial data, but this seems to be geared towards RailSounds operation, and not motor power.
Any ideas? I’m about to toss it out in to the cold Pennsylvania rain, and order a Legacy Lehigh Valley C420 from Mr. Muffin...