Could some 2-rail hobbyists please let me know who else, beside Atlas-O, make 2-rail flex-track & turnouts? Also where could I buy them from?
I have Atlas-O flex-track & #5 turnouts on my small diorama but I am planning a larger layout & I would like to know about other options. I read about Old-Pullman turnouts on older threads on these forums but I cannot find anything recent about their offerings or availability. At last year’s Chicago March meet, some lady handed me a yellowish-orange 4-page flyer about Right_O’_Way rail. Are they still in business & do they also offer track, not just rail & ties?
I used to buy Protocraft O-Scale freight car trucks in the past but during my recent visit to that website, most of the offerings seem to be about Proto-48 products. Could any of their frogs & turnout accessories be used for O-Scale?
I read about Micro Engineering track on older threads on these forums. But their website seems to have more choices for HO-Scale & Narrow Gauge products. Does anyone have experience with their Code 148 weathered & non-weathered track?
I keep running into online pages about a book “Detailing Track” when I search for 2-rail track. Does detailing, in this context help with using flex-tracks or is it just about enhancing the looks of preexisting tracks with weathering or additional parts? At this time, I just want to lay tracks & enjoy the trains I have. I might consider weathering tracks or enhancing the looks in the future but that is not important to me at this time.
Naveen Rajan