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so i changed the name of my railroad from Altland Federation to Allegheny Central Federation

me and my god parents had a talk and they said it was wrong to have a railroad with my friend's last name in it so i changed the name but the story and location is the same

i want to make a custom Allegheny Central Federation uniform that consists of a dark blue button down shirt with the ACFX logo and a white and blue jacket that is made from the same material north face jackets are made from with ACFX on the front and ALLEGHENY CENTRAL FEDERATION written on the back in slanted lettering similar to the southern pacific speed lettering

does anyone know where i can get something made like this


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Sounds like you have a couple of needs:

  • Someone to design your RR logo, assuming it's not done already.  For that you'll need considerably more artistic skills than I possess - or know someone else who does.  If neither applies, you may want to consider using a service that creates logos for businesses - Google "company logo design" and check out the variety of options you have.
  • Next, someone to make the clothing.  The trick is finding folks who do small runs and the best I've found is Lands' End Business (  Once you pay to have the logo set up, they'll run individual items you can order from a large catalog of their clothing items.  I've used them for years in my own business and always been pleased by the results.

Good luck!

Probably your least expensive option will be to find a used original (your size) on eBay and go from there. Hats seem to be running around $100, with jackets running $200-300. I'd suggest starting with a $500 budget. If that's what you want, better start saving. Using a Tuxedo as an example, you'd be hard pressed to get a custom tailored one for less than $1K.

Any progress on a layout?

Last edited by Gilly@N&W

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