Originally Posted by David Minarik:
This probably doesn't help, but I use a band saw. . . .
It is really is the best way to do cuts to Ameritown and other buildings. I mark the cut edge with a length of masking tape, making sure to locate the cut line right along a mortar line -provide perfect perpendicular guides up and down and sideways - then I cut right alone them with one edge of the cut right at that line. If I need a corner I cut at 45 degree angle on both walls where they will meet.
All three buildings below involved cuts. Leftmost is Nero Wolf's townhouse, which required several 22.5 deg cuts to make the bay window front. If you look hard you can just see just a trace of another cut on the right side - right between the posts of the double-wide windows: I cut out everything between two banks of windows to get those doublewide ones. The building next door, The Thin Man, is just a narrowed one. the building all the way to the right does not look like it needed a cut perhaps, but it is in fact wider than the standard Ameritown fronts: I cut two and glued them to get a "superwide." The cut is hard to see under the best of circumstances but in this case is hidden behind the black downspout that goes from roof to sidewalk just to the left of the doorway: this is a model of 221B Baker Street as in the Jeremy Brett series and the downspout was in that unusual place. So I cut the panels so the downspout would hide any trace of a cut. I've got three good razor saws, but I couldn't do nearly as well with them - a band saw is a godsend for bashing and scratch building.