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In another post I referred  to a possible solution to the under powered wall wart power packs supplied with the Polar Express sets.

I bought a referenced power supply and here are the results of the adaptation to the PE set.

First I purchased the power supply for $12.99 with free shipping:

 I already had a 5.5mm OD X 2.5mm ID plug from another project. Power pack as delivered


The included power cord can be inserted into the power pack either won't effect voltage output or polarity.


I tested the pack with a volt meter and verified that it put out 18VDC.

The next thing to do was to strip the jacketing off the wire near the 4 prong plug to see how many wires were inside. There were only two brown and one blue:


two wires only


Next I cut off the 4 prong plug and discarded it as it isn't needed:



cut off the plug


I stripped the brown and blue wires to check the polarity of each:


two wires...brown and blue


The brown wire is the (+) positive wire. The blue wire is the (-) negative wire:


brown wire is [+)


The pack puts out 18VDC: I used the striped wire from the plug (goes to center hole) to mate with the brown (+) wire


plug now has 18.09 VDC




solder and heat shrink each wire...plug striped wire to brown [+) pack wire and plain plug wire to blue [-) pack wire



heatshrink around both wires


Test the pack again with a meter:


plug still shows 18.09 VDC


Now it's time to test the pack with the track.

I assembled the loop of Fastrack supplied with the set. Assemble the sections carefully and run your fingers over all the rail joints. If you feel two adjoining rails are uneven disconnect those two track sections and try again. I had 3 joints improperly connected on my first try.

Now plug the power pack into the straight track power section, plug in the power pack to 120VAC and see if the red power light comes on:

 5.5 mm diameter plug with 2.5 mm center hole fits fastrack power section


With the (+) brown wire from the pack connected to the striped wire on the plug if you check the track polarity you will see it reads the outer rail is the (+) rail and the inner rail is the (-) rail. A meter shows the rail has 18.10 VDC supplied to it:


Track shows 18.10 VDC outer rail is [+)


Turn off all power, put the engine on the track, turn power back on and turn on the remote.

The engine will start up and run properly:



I then tested the engine with all five passenger cars to see if the new pack would operate the train. IT DOES!



You now have an 18VDC 5.0 AMP 90 Watt power supply to use with your new Polar Express set!

The best part is even if you have to buy the new plug you'll only pay $15.80 total for the new power pack and plug.

That sure beats Lionel's $55.00 plus shipping for the Lionel 6-81603 that only puts out 72 watts.

As before in the other post I will now add this disclaimer:

Disclaimer...You use these modifications at your own risk (as with all things in life) and I make no representations as to the operability or compatibility of these suggested changes with your equipment. I make no warranty expressed or implied as to the successful operation of these modifications with your PE set.


That being said, I'm very happy with my new power pack and won't have to worry anymore about my engine starting and stopping due to insufficient voltage or wattage.

Good Luck!



PS This power pack will most likely also work with O gauge fastrack Lion Chief and Lion Chief + sets.

I haven't tested my pack with an O gauge set as I haven't a loop of O Fastrack with a straight power section handy ,but the 5.5mm OD X 2.5mm ID plug is what is used on the 6-81603 pack. As long as the (+) side of the 18VDC powers the center rail you should be good to go.

(See disclaimer above!)


PPS You probably noticed some of the passenger car lights flickering or completely out. I didn't clean the fastrack loop before operation nor the car wheels. Rest assured that the lights do work. I'll probably swap them out for LED strip lighting sometime in the future and that will further decrease the power needs of the set as the strip lights use very little wattage when compared to the incandescent bulbs in the cars.






Images (11)
  • Power pack as delivered
  • two wires only
  • cut off the plug
  • two wires...brown and blue
  • brown wire is (+)
  • plug now has 18.09 VDC
  • solder and heat shrink each wire...plug striped wire to brown (+) pack wire and plain plug wire to blue (-) pack wire
  • heatshrink around both wires
  • plug still shows 18.09 VDC
  • Track shows 18.10 VDC outer rail is (+)
  • 5.5 mm diameter plug with 2.5 mm center hole fits fastrack power section
Videos (2)
Engine only on Fastrack loop with new  18VDC power pack
Engine and 5 cars on Fastrack loop with new 18VDC power pack
Last edited by banjoflyer
Original Post

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Originally Posted by Mikeaa:
Hope you already bought yours Mike A., because as of 6:22PM EDT, Oct. 7, 2015, the Ebay link stated there were 0 available and 20 sold (including 10 sold after you posted the link.)


Thank you for all your work and help!


It looks like it's the right size, so would this screw type connector work as an alternative for people to use if they are not set up for soldering wires?



Mike A.


Last edited by ogaugeguy
Originally Posted by banjoflyer:
OMG, Mark, do I wish I'd procrastinated. Yesterday afternoon, I purchased six of those connectors for $20.88 from the first place you linked.
Had I waited till you'd had the opportunity to fully delve into those connectors, I would have saved enough to cover the cost of the Acer power supply you've shown, 10 connectors from this company, and still have money left for coffee and a doughnut. Next time I'll definitely wait for you to investigate things like this. A GREAT FIND for all forumites using FasTrack. Thanks!!!!! 


I found an even better deal for these here.

You get 10 of them for $4.39 with free delivery.

That's about 44 cents each so if you have a few pals who are also interested in these plugs...Don't forget they also fit the Lionel O gauge Lion Chief/ Lion Chief + track sections...You can get some for the group and divvy them up.

I bought from this seller. 




I'm glad you said the screw type would work.  They also make a female connector the same size.  I finally ended up getting these - 5 pairs of male/female for $6.51.  I have SHS/MTH track so if I decide to use that, I can always hook the female connector up to wires coming from the track and still use the power pack.  Another option, if you need some additional length, is to make extension cords with the spare pairs.



Sorry to hear about your purchase.  When I first posted it I guess I just figured people were only looking to get one and that seemed to be an OK deal for one.


Thanks, Mike A.

Last edited by Mikeaa

Great find on the power brick.  I would add that those screw terminals work, but in my experience, the wires tend to break off at the connector with repeated plugging/unplugging.  If you intend to set up/tear down frequently, I would opt for the soldering solution or create some sort of strain relief for the wire.



Last edited by Brendan

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