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Well here it is Christmas Day and I go to run trains, My remote says no engines on track and the engine that ran fine two days ago is inactive. Full voltage on track changed batteries in remote, I'm ready to sell everything.  The Lionel system still runs fine and always has for years.  Can anyone help or make me an offer I cant refuse. Very frustrated wit DCS.

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There is another thread regarding DCS issues.

I have an early Rev. L TIU being looked at.  Very similar issues to this and the other thread.  Operated PS2 and PS3 engines one day would not find them the next. And, the two engines on their separate loops came up in conventional mode.

The one software update that I had not done yet was for the WIU. I am being patient and will see what the technician has to say.

Billsrr posted:

Well here it is Christmas Day and I go to run trains, My remote says no engines on track and the engine that ran fine two days ago is inactive. Full voltage on track changed batteries in remote, I'm ready to sell everything.  The Lionel system still runs fine and always has for years.  Can anyone help or make me an offer I cant refuse. Very frustrated wit DCS.

When you bring them from inactive to active do they run ok?

I had the same problems. One engine would go active and run fine. I would shut it down. Come back an hour later. It would not respond. I’ve also had engines respond to remote but not Wi-Fi and vice versa. Lately with DCS it’s been a crap shoot for me to often. Very frustrating and i’ve entertained the same thought: get rid of it and my PS3 engines. What’s particularly frustrating is this problem exists with Wi-Fi which MTH is heading to use exclusively.  

Just as an FYI...

DCS works just fine using the remote and TIU, or the DCS App, TIU and WIU. If it doesn't, the reason is almost certainly one of the following:

  • You have defective DCS hardware.
  • You have a defective DCS engine.
  • You're software levels are mismatched. The remote and TIU should be at DCS 6.1 for best results, and must be at DCS 6.1 if running WiFi. The DCS App must be at software 3.2.1 and the WIU must be at firmware 1.1.
  • You aren't doing things as you should, i.e., operator error.

On a properly wired layout with properly functioning hardware, and the correct versions of all software and firmware, DCS just plain works.

DCS Book CoverEverything that you need to know about DCS is all in MTH’s “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

 DCS Book Cover

Everything that you need to know about DCS WiFi is all in MTH’s “The DCS WiFi Companion 2nd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

If you guys are selling, let me know. I am in. 

Mind you MTH has a larger learning curve that TMCC/Legacy.  But knock on wood, its pretty bullet proof. 

Things NOBODY told me and I missed in the instructions:

1) Fixed one channel ALWAYS needs to  be on

2) Do you see the red LED light? That is the watch Dog signal... this must be on at all times.

3) Before you run any trains hit the read function on the remote to confirm the remote is talking to the TIU

4) If your engines are off on a block powered track, there is a good chance it will not see the watch dog signal or not be found. make sure you block powered track is powered up before the fixed one port is powered on.

5) Make a programing track! You will be so happy you did.

6) Always check your track signal strength. I wired my layout with bus powered wiring with 3 foot drops. 9s and 10s around the 40 x 40 layout.

7) Only error I noted is the Voltage read on the remote vs. track was not the voltage measured. My track is always 3-5 volts lower

8) READ your manual, ask questions, go over all the functions. Own it. Once your confidence is up on using it you will be less confused. 


MTH DCS is an Engineered software to run trains. It has much more flexibility and more capabilities than TMCC and Legacy, I like it. Now if MTH could only improve their sound files!


Last edited by J Daddy


If you drop your remote or even over time, the transceiver board can come loose and need re-seating.  Try tethering the remote with a CURY telephone cord to see if you can move your engine from the Inactive list. If so, the board in your remote needs re-seating and it could also be the transceiver in the TIU. Just something easy to try first.

J Daddy,

You have a few misconceptions in your suggestions:

1) Fixed one channel ALWAYS needs to  be on

Not true. The TIU can be powered via the Aux. Power port rather than Fixed #1 Input. In fact, doing so is preferred over always having Fixed #1 powered.

2) Do you see the red LED light? That is the watch Dog signal... this must be on at all times.

Half true. The TIU's red LED must be on at all times that you are running trains on any channel. However, it has nothing to do with the watchdog signal. That is issued any time the voltage on any TIU Output channel is changed from zero to any other voltage.

3) Before you run any trains hit the read function on the remote to confirm the remote is talking to the TIU

No, absolutely not a good idea, unless you want to send all of your engines that are on non-powered tracks to the Inactive Engine List.

4) If your engines are off on a block powered track, there is a good chance it will not see the watch dog signal or not be found. make sure you block powered track is powered up before the fixed one port is powered on.

That's true, however, if you turn on a siding's power and the engine comes up in conventional mode, just press either Startup to put it into DCS mode or Shut Down to make it go quietly into DCS "stealth' mode, with all lights off.

5) Make a programing track! You will be so happy you did.

Any track block is de facto a "programming track", as long as its center rail is insulated from adjacent center rails and no other engines are powered on when the DCS engine is added.

6) Always check your track signal strength. I wired my layout with bus powered wiring with 3 foot drops. 9s and 10s around the 40 x 40 layout.

A good idea, regardless of how you wired your layout.

7) Only error I noted is the Voltage read on the remote vs. track was not the voltage measured. My track is always 3-5 volts lower

That's not any kind of a DCS issue. It's typically a symptom of a large amp draw that causes voltage at the tracks to decease. (Voltage = Current X Impedance)

8) READ your manual, ask questions, go over all the functions. Own it. Once your confidence is up on using it you will be less confused.

Good suggestion! Even better, purchase a copy of one or both of the DCS Companion books!  

DCS Book CoverEverything that you need to know about DCS is all in MTH’s “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

 DCS Book Cover

Everything that you need to know about DCS WiFi is all in MTH’s “The DCS WiFi Companion 2nd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

Since yesterday I checked the voltage on the track,17., I could not get the loco off the inactive list.  The sound came on and would respond to throttle but would not move.  Everything was fine on Sunday. The TMCC and Legacy were fine. I deleted the locos and tried to reload them. The message was could not find new loco. Out of desperation I unplugged the Legacy signal booster , then tried the DCS. Things were back normal, I have loaded the engine back in and it runs fine.  I sure glad my truck is more reliable.  I sure would like some input here. Thanks Bill

Billsrr posted:

Since yesterday I checked the voltage on the track,17., I could not get the loco off the inactive list.  The sound came on and would respond to throttle but would not move.  Everything was fine on Sunday. The TMCC and Legacy were fine. I deleted the locos and tried to reload them. The message was could not find new loco. Out of desperation I unplugged the Legacy signal booster , then tried the DCS. Things were back normal, I have loaded the engine back in and it runs fine.  I sure glad my truck is more reliable.  I sure would like some input here. Thanks Bill

This happened to me just last week with a Proto 2 SD70M I have. It would start up (sounds) and shut down (sounds), couplers fired and all, but that's about it, it would not respond to forward or reverse signals and wouldn't move a mm in any direction. Being a Proto 2 engine (5V), I decided to check the battery but it was fine.

I put the engine on my test track, and using my DCS remote, did a full reset (or maybe a feature reset) and it came right back up. I believe that adding the engine to multiple MU setups was my issue, the engine had begun to give me issues a while back and it finally gave out when I tried to set up another MU with other units. To clarify, i have used this as a helper engine before with other consists, when I tried to make a different MU with different engines, it would not respond at all, the other engines would just drag the SD70 around (which I did't allow to continue for too much distance).

In any case, my full reset (or feature reset) using the DSC remote, brought it back to life.

Hope this helps!

P.s. Barry is right about the test track, you NEED one, BUTT K,I,S,S doesn't agree with his setup. I think a 30" section of good ole Lionel tubular track on a bench connected to a TIU output is the best method as it eliminates a lot of possible layout wiring issues. This is how I have it set up and as you can see I got me engine back up and running.


Joe Allen posted:

Some, but not all, Lionel engines kill the DCS signal. You most likely have at least one that caused the problem.

From what I have read in the past, this issue pertains to TMCC and not Legacy or Lionel. Any TMCC engine can interfere with the DCS signal, GRJ has even recommended to install the RF chokes on anything track powered, even command switches. I have followed the warnings, to date I get all 10's on my layout, be it a small one at that. All of my TMCC engines have RF chokes installed on the pickup roller wires as to combat this issue as well as all of my AC/DC circuits I build to power my LED building lights. Heck he even recommended to install it on a few passenger car LED conversions I did, and the chokes are there as well.

Hope this helps!

Daniel J. Gonzalez posted:
Joe Allen posted:

Some, but not all, Lionel engines kill the DCS signal. You most likely have at least one that caused the problem.

From what I have read in the past, this issue pertains to TMCC and not Legacy or Lionel. Any TMCC engine can interfere with the DCS signal, GRJ has even recommended to install the RF chokes on anything track powered, even command switches. I have followed the warnings, to date I get all 10's on my layout, be it a small one at that. All of my TMCC engines have RF chokes installed on the pickup roller wires as to combat this issue as well as all of my AC/DC circuits I build to power my LED building lights. Heck he even recommended to install it on a few passenger car LED conversions I did, and the chokes are there as well.

Hope this helps!

This only one of many that say different:

Joe Allen posted:
Daniel J. Gonzalez posted:
Joe Allen posted:

Some, but not all, Lionel engines kill the DCS signal. You most likely have at least one that caused the problem.

From what I have read in the past, this issue pertains to TMCC and not Legacy or Lionel. Any TMCC engine can interfere with the DCS signal, GRJ has even recommended to install the RF chokes on anything track powered, even command switches. I have followed the warnings, to date I get all 10's on my layout, be it a small one at that. All of my TMCC engines have RF chokes installed on the pickup roller wires as to combat this issue as well as all of my AC/DC circuits I build to power my LED building lights. Heck he even recommended to install it on a few passenger car LED conversions I did, and the chokes are there as well.

Hope this helps!

This only one of many that say different:

Hey Joe,

That thread is talking about an issue with a legacy base, not legacy engines my friend.

TMCC engines traveling in close proximity to a DCS engine would make the MTH unit unresponsive. On the other hand, I do the same test with an unmodified legacy engine and don't experience the same issue. Although I said I was not 100% sure, and I appreciate the link to the thread, I still stand by what I said, I believe TMCC is the only really issue when it comes to DCS signal interference.

Another member  on the thread you sent said he was experiencing the same issue as GRJ and simply swapped the legacy base with another and his problem was solved.

Thanks for the link though!


From what I have read in the past, this issue pertains to TMCC and not Legacy or Lionel.

I believe TMCC is the only really issue when it comes to DCS signal interference.

The issue is not dependent upon any particular manufacturer, however, it does pertain to both some TMCC engines and some Legacy engines.

DCS Book CoverEverything that you need to know about DCS is all in MTH’s “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

 DCS Book Cover

Everything that you need to know about DCS WiFi is all in MTH’s “The DCS WiFi Companion 2nd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz
Barry Broskowitz posted:


From what I have read in the past, this issue pertains to TMCC and not Legacy or Lionel.

I believe TMCC is the only really issue when it comes to DCS signal interference.

The issue is not dependent upon any particular manufacturer, however, it does pertain to both some TMCC engines and some Legacy engines.

DCS Book CoverEverything that you need to know about DCS is all in MTH’s “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

 DCS Book Cover

Everything that you need to know about DCS WiFi is all in MTH’s “The DCS WiFi Companion 2nd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

Hey Barry,

The issue is not dependent upon any particular manufacturer, (Yup, that's why I said "not Legacy or Lionel", meaning the issues didn't pertain to Lionel per say, any manufacture that used TMCC electronics would cause the issue.) however, it does pertain to both some TMCC engines and some Legacy engines. (Well I will take your word for it over mine, I am the rookie on the matter but in practice, I have never had this issue with any of my 4 legacy engines and all 6 of my TMCC engines did destroy my DCS signal when in proximity of the DCS engine. You learn something new everyday!) 

In any case I am heavy MTH becasue of my LHS so I hope not to deal with this anyway.


Cho Cho Wally posted:

GRJ mentioned "chokes" as helping the TMCC interference with DCS; is this helpful in general operation or just with WIFI ops?  Exactly what choke; what do I order? thanks.


Hey Wally!

The chokes help DCS in general, nothing to do with WiFi. John told me to choose a choke depending on current draw, I usually use these:


the smaller choke I use for my LED conversions or anything that is feeding off of track power accessory wise. The larger choke is the one that I used in my TMCC engines, now this might be Overkill and I'm sure Barry or John will chime in if I made a rookie mistake by ordering such a large choke but it has worked for me till this point with no issue.

Hope this helps my friend!


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Come on folks. The MTH system leaves a lot to be desired. I hooked up my legacy system 5 years ago. Guess what every single engine I have runs fine EVERY time. I’ve never had any issues.

Gues what else. Every single time I run the MTH, THERE IS AN ISSUE. I’ve tried all the fixes suggested here. Come on how many gizmos and gadgets are needed to make the system work. Don’t know yet because it STILL doesn’t work.

I’m guessing the next suggestion to be like “ stand on your head in the corner while balancing three beers. One on each ear and one on your nose, then turn the TIU off three times before accessing your remote with the AIU off and the WIU turned on/off three successive times while you watch the CBS evening news.



Come on, and I don't really care if you guys hate MTH, but you are not helping anyone with your negative input.  I've had no problems with my DCS system since 2006 when I installed it! And I have TMCC installed with it as well, but none of my TMCC engines mess with the DCS signal.

And you can't blame either company for interference of the other as they were made separately for their systems period..

Every single time I run the MTH, THERE IS AN ISSUE. I’ve tried all the fixes suggested here

Notwithstanding your inappropriate sarcasm, if you cannot get DCS to operate effectively and many, many others can, the problem resides in your train room, and is, I repeat, one of the following "ISSUES":

  • You have defective DCS hardware.
  • You have a defective DCS engine.
  • You're software levels are mismatched. The remote and TIU should be at DCS 6.1 for best results, and must be at DCS 6.1 if running WiFi. The DCS App must be at software 3.2.1 and the WIU must be at firmware 1.1.
  • You aren't doing things as you should, i.e., operator error.

Do you see the common (pun unintended) connection?

Geojr posted:

Come on folks. The MTH system leaves a lot to be desired. I hooked up my legacy system 5 years ago. Guess what every single engine I have runs fine EVERY time. I’ve never had any issues.

Gues what else. Every single time I run the MTH, THERE IS AN ISSUE. I’ve tried all the fixes suggested here. Come on how many gizmos and gadgets are needed to make the system work. Don’t know yet because it STILL doesn’t work.

I’m guessing the next suggestion to be like “ stand on your head in the corner while balancing three beers. One on each ear and one on your nose, then turn the TIU off three times before accessing your remote with the AIU off and the WIU turned on/off three successive times while you watch the CBS evening news.



Both systems are bulletproof when standing alone. I believe issues of these nature to be expected when trying to run two DIFFERENT manufactures systems on the same layout at the same time.

If you feel it's not worth your hobby time to fiddle with these techniques to try and make it work, I believe it to be best practice to stick with one manufacture. I understand life is stressful enough with work, family, etc. and having to deal with these issues are definitely a nuisance to some but others seem to be ok with giving it a shot.

Both systems have pros and cons, its tough to choose one path but doing so may help you get back to enjoying trains vs handstands and beer balancing on extremely unstable body parts, which is a waste of beer BTW! LOL

Thanks for a few laughs my friend!

Daniel J. Gonzalez posted:
Geojr posted:

Come on folks. The MTH system leaves a lot to be desired. I hooked up my legacy system 5 years ago. Guess what every single engine I have runs fine EVERY time. I’ve never had any issues.

Gues what else. Every single time I run the MTH, THERE IS AN ISSUE. I’ve tried all the fixes suggested here. Come on how many gizmos and gadgets are needed to make the system work. Don’t know yet because it STILL doesn’t work.

I’m guessing the next suggestion to be like “ stand on your head in the corner while balancing three beers. One on each ear and one on your nose, then turn the TIU off three times before accessing your remote with the AIU off and the WIU turned on/off three successive times while you watch the CBS evening news.



Both systems are bulletproof when standing alone. I believe issues of these nature to be expected when trying to run two DIFFERENT manufactures systems on the same layout at the same time.

If you feel it's not worth your hobby time to fiddle with these techniques to try and make it work, I believe it to be best practice to stick with one manufacture. I understand life is stressful enough with work, family, etc. and having to deal with these issues are definitely a nuisance to some but others seem to be ok with giving it a shot.

Both systems have pros and cons, its tough to choose one path but doing so may help you get back to enjoying trains vs handstands and beer balancing on extremely unstable body parts, which is a waste of beer BTW! LOL

Thanks for a few laughs my friend!

Good evening all:

I think Daniel offers good words of wisdom.  We try to make our layouts do so much with different manufacturers' equipment, and it seems to me like a recipe for issues.  Indeed it seems best to stick with one manufacturer.  Of course, that doesn't fly for the many who love to run MTH and Lionel, but I also know that Barry (and many others) have sound advice and experience with all things DCS.  Keep your cool and continue to share what's going on and what you've tried.  I guarantee that you will find helpful answers here.  I also grant that sometimes electronics can drive us nuts, and it pays to walk away for a bit.  Come back with a clearer head and you think of stuff you didn't before, or try something else that works.  I have had that happen so many times over the years.

FWIW, I run DCS 6.0 on my catenary-powered layout.  I learned DCS on the fly, with the help of Barry's 3rd edition book.  I run 7 prototype electrics off the overhead, with 2 Atlas AEM7s via LocoMatic control in-line with DCS.  The only DCS issue I have ever encountered was some oddities with consisting.  Other than that, nothing.  My experience has been that it just works, and works great with the overhead wire.

Billsrr posted:

Since yesterday I checked the voltage on the track,17., I could not get the loco off the inactive list.  The sound came on and would respond to throttle but would not move.  Everything was fine on Sunday. The TMCC and Legacy were fine. I deleted the locos and tried to reload them. The message was could not find new loco. Out of desperation I unplugged the Legacy signal booster , then tried the DCS. Things were back normal, I have loaded the engine back in and it runs fine.  I sure glad my truck is more reliable.  I sure would like some input here. Thanks Bill

How can we talk about reliability, when someone is adding things to one system and not checking the other?

You would like input? I would have to suggest testing thoroughly when you change something like this. If they aren't compatible, we can move from there forward. Instead, other posters are chiming in and confusing the issue. Then to make it worse, blasting DCS. and you feel you can do anything and blame DCS for it not working afterwards?

Put some diesel in your gas truck and see how that runs.

 Hey, it works at my house!  Does that help you?

If we can't talk like adults, I'm out of here and you guys can look elsewhere to post offensive crap. Maybe start a post like, I love the big L, and there's nothing else! When the engines come in smashed and wired wrong, your blind loyalty can get you thru. Hey, I think there's already another column for that brand's loyalty stuff? 

 ,.... and never an issue there!

So, unless this whole post gets locked for the crap, has anyone looked at this booster for DCS signal interference? (GRJ)

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

Greetings Everyone,

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones that run Legacy and DCS together without any real problems thus far.   The layout was started in 2016 and I followed the "Star Wiring" system from Barry's first edition DCS book.   I'm running three "loops" two of which are connected by cross-over tracks that are electrically isolated from each other with the third loop completely separated from the other two.   Loop one and two are powered by a MTH Z4K with loop number three being powered by a Lionel 180W Power House.  I am also running the GRJ Signal Booster.  I have run both Lionel (TMCC and Legacy) and MTH engines at the same time without issues.  It appears that the Train Gods are shinning down on me.   Happy New Year to everyone!!!

Chief Bob (Retired)

Earlier in this post I noted my frustration with DCS and listed a few of my hair pulling experiences.  Well, as Barry noted..."operator error."  Although in the past everything worked fine and I too run Legacy and DCS at the same time, I didn't pay attention to upgrades and firmware updates.  Then, the other day, poo-poo hit the controllers and my smartphone.  To make a long story short...DO UPGRADE ALL YOUR SOFTWARE/HARDWARE. I didn't realize it, but I was a release behind.  So I upgraded my TIU and Remote. It helped but still had some issues. This evening I looked on the bottom of my WIU and oops...version 1.0.  I used LUCI per the MTH manual and viola, firmware on the WIU flashed without a hitch and now the systems run flawlessly using either or both...Remote or iPhone.  I apologize for shooting my keyboard off before completely understanding my operating environment.  Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

Last edited by ToledoEd
Billsrr posted:

Since yesterday I checked the voltage on the track,17., I could not get the loco off the inactive list.  The sound came on and would respond to throttle but would not move.  Everything was fine on Sunday. The TMCC and Legacy were fine. I deleted the locos and tried to reload them. The message was could not find new loco. Out of desperation I unplugged the Legacy signal booster , then tried the DCS. Things were back normal, I have loaded the engine back in and it runs fine.  I sure glad my truck is more reliable.  I sure would like some input here. Thanks Bill

isn't this still your issue Bill?

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

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