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I have a DCS Remote Commander running in passive mode on one of my layout loops.  Works perfectly! 

The question I have is why the signal cannot make it through the toggle switch and LED power indicator in my control panel to a siding block?  Does the LED somehow degrade or block the DCS signal?  I have tested this by simply jumping power with a test wire directly to the block and everything works like it should. 

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Last edited by MichRR714
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Ahh.  I think I see what's going on.

The Remote Commander issues the infamous "watchdog" signal that tells an engine to powerup in command mode (silent) only 1 time when it (the Remote Commander) first receives power.  As I understand your experiment, when you inserted the test wire the Remote Commander had already been powered for some time so its one-time watchdog signal came and went long ago.  The engine on the siding then just gets plain power from the mainline (no watchdog) and hence starts in conventional.

So with the toggle switch (and LED) wired up try the following.  Turn "on" the toggle switch...but now remove power from the mainline.  Now turn on power to the mainline which will powerup the Remote Commander AND your siding together.  No test wire.  The Remote Commander should now send its one-time watchdog through your toggle switch to the siding.  The engine should powerup silent and in command mode.

I realize this is NOT how you want to operate the siding power...but first things first!

Hope this makes sense!




Last edited by stan2004
So after exhaustive testing tonight I determined there was no ground on these 2 rails coming through this end of the crossover.  Which just so happens to be the point at which the engine enters the block and would quit.  Strangely all of my TMCC/Legacy engines go through here with no issue.  However all of my MTH engines quit at the same spot.  The watchdog signal threw me off the trail because I was firing up the block after power up so I didn't think the DCS signal was getting to the block at all.  Thanks for clueing me in on the watchdog signal Stan!  A couple of jumpers solved the issue.


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  • 20170108_000322

Good morning Charlie.......careful those two outside rails are dead for a reason, the third rail pickup rolls over them. Make sure all outside rails are getting ground from all approaches to turnout.  As a side note, PS3  2/3 rail locomotives do have a problem with them, because the axles are insulated from one side to the other(2 rail). The longer the turnout the bigger the problem. Traction tires don't help either.

Sure hope I explained that correctly if not give me a call


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