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Having just jumped out of my DeLoreon for fuel, I noticed my DCS remote was stuck at Rev 2.1 (and my track was rusty, but that is another story).

Researching the latest from MTH just to see what revision was current, I saw the WIFI module. Hmmm - new toy me thinks.

So I think I follow what new cabling I'll need to connect the WIFI, TIU, and TMCC base together - I assume I'll need a USB serial adapter and some type of splitter cable. My question is if I use a commercial F-M-M 9 pin splitter, all signals will be wired direct in each connector. If that is the case, won't at least two of the TX pins be connected together? I though perhaps the TMCC TX pin is not connected, but I found a TMCC document that states the CAB-1 commands are echoed out the port, implying there is an active TX pin.

Has anyone run across this? Is there a commercial solution? Maybe I'll need to clip the pin going into the TMCC base as it is not really needed with this configuration? Any advice would be appreciated.

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