I had my DDA40X upgraded by the "local" MTH Service Center over a year ago. For a long time it ran fine. Then I took it out to a friends layout and ran it for a while. When I got it back on my own layout, it exhibited this strange behavior. Maybe something got loose in the truck of the car on the trip back ...? The headlights are intermittent, blinking with no pattern, almost like a loose connection or a dirty track issue. And when they are doing that, neither coupler will open when they fire. The noise of them opening is there, but nothing happens. When the light is on, again infrequently, the coupler will open when fired. I took the shell off to check it out and see some cut off wires but nothing that would short out. And I didn't really see anything like a loose connection, but I'm not sure where I should be looking for one. The plugs seem to be seated in the boards. The rest of the upgrade works fine. Smoke, etc.
Any ideas where the loose connection could be to be effecting both the headlights and the couplers? Track is clean as are the rollers.