The Dents Run Railroad (Dents Run, Pa about 30mi East of Dubois) was originally built to bring White Pine and later Hemlock logs down to the mill. About the time the forest was stripped bare of timber a coal mine opened several miles up Dents Run and a company town named Wilmer was built. The railroad then hauled coal from the mine until the Flood of '36 took out the bridge across the West Branch of Sinnemahoning Creek. That eliminated interchange with the PRR and that was the end of the mine and the railroad.
The railroad owned a Climax geared locomotive:
Notice that this was a mixed train!
They also had a Heisler locomotive:
This is the bridge to interchange with the Pennsy across it. The PRR is visible as a white line in the background:
The Dents Run RR crossed but did not interchange with the B&S RR (foreground). The B&S was so badly damaged in the '36 flood that it folded, eliminating any possibility of interchange with it.
The PRR Dents Run station. The interchange track for the Dents Run RR is to the left of the Main Stem and proceeds out of the pic to the left and across the creek.
Passenger service was sometimes provided by this gem, built by Brookville Locomotive Works (I was told):
All pics were taken by my Dad around 1930.