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I bought this gondola at the Golden Gate Lionel Railroad Club train show in Mountain View California on February 6.  The paint job caught my eye but I thought it was a custom paint job of an American Models 52 foot gondola.  When I looked closer it is stamped "American Flyer mfd by The A. C. Gilbert Co. New Haven Conn USA". Although some shows/conventions arrange custom cars it seems unlikely that Gilbert would have made new molds just for a small run. If there are more of these out there (particularly with under-represented railroad names) I'd like to have them.  If not, it's a bargain at $20.


American Flyer 54 foot RailGon gondola


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  • American Flyer 54 foot RailGon gondola
Last edited by ctomita
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Gilbert made one basic Gondola, it is 8" long. The Gilbert gondola has three vertical ribs on the inside of the body. Looking closely at the picture, that gondola has four vertical ribs and the space between the center two ribs appears slightly narrower than the space to the outer ribs. Someone did a great job of stretching it 2" using a donor body to make a 54' gondola.

Last edited by AmFlyer

Nicely done model and a great example of kitbashing.  I did something similar years ago in a series of items I called "phantoms", they being things Gilbert could have made, but didn't.  I even gave them a plausible number and paint scheme.  In this case a Southern gon numbered 949.  Just for a laugh, here it is:

The railgon looks better....


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