I have been looking for the Lionel item number for the scale water tender for the N&W J and I can't find one. Maybe Lionel did not make one???? I found that Lionel did make the solid black version, 6-28088 but not one with a stripe. (I have that tender). I have the MTH 20-2136 but I would like one with TMCC to operate the rear coupler. Can I convert the MTH version?
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I feel your frustration. Years ago I had the same problem locating a scale water tender in Daylight Livery. I had to have one painted.
Back on subject. If you contact, gunrunnerjohn or GGG they will have the programming answer. Hope this helps, a little.
Electric railroad will sell you the parts to convert the MTH tender.
The Lionel LCRX, or the ERR equivalent can give you the control. MTH uses tethers, and Lionel does not. How about a shell swap, do they fit? G
Swap is not a full option. The big thing is that Lionel has a insulated hand rail for the antenna. The screw holes are a little different size but that can be worked around.
I have been looking for the Lionel item number for the scale water tender for the N&W J and I can't find one. Maybe Lionel did not make one???? I found that Lionel did make the solid black version, 6-28088 but not one with a stripe. (I have that tender). I have the MTH 20-2136 but I would like one with TMCC to operate the rear coupler. Can I convert the MTH version?
You're probably refering to the matching water tender. N&W used both the matching and black water tender with the J. Lionel did catalog a black TMCC version with the JLC Y-6. Like the reissued UP water tender, Its a good bet both versions will be reproduced after the Y-6 is released later this year.
I have 3 of these N&W aux tenders. One Lionel (black) and two MTH (with and without strip).
I thought that I remember reading at one time, that the N&W only used the striped aux. tender after the 611 went back into excursion service in the early 1980's.
As JC642 stated, you can find pictures of the 611 in excursion service with a black aux. tender or the striped aux. tender.
All of the older pictures of the J class engines that I can find, with the aux. tender, are the black without the strip.
While I like the looks of my MTH J with the striped aux. tender, the black may be a more correct way to go.
Maybe one of the N&W experts can jump in here and clarify which aux. tenders were used when.
I recently bought a new unopened 6-28088. Walked into a store and asked if they ever have any come in used. He said no but let me check on something. About 10 min later he brought out an unopened one. Could not believe my eyes.
The 611 ran with the striped A tank in the early 80's until the 1988 season and then she came out with the black one which was black with "Norfolk and Western" on the sides with no stripe and finally in 1994 they ran with one painted a solid Tuscan red with a thin gold stripe at the top and bottom with I believe a black top but was lettered on the sides at the top in smaller lettering "Norfolk Southern".