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I love his SW. It's easy and it's useful. I bought V4, Upgraded to V5 and bought 17 libraries in O, N and HO. It's time for a new computer at home and I can't read the CDs (5 computers, including my work laptop. Russ has been unresponsive (I hope the best for him). I have my sn and ac for both disks. Anyone have a crazy idea for restoring the disks? 


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CDs rarely fail, and since yours don't work in five different machines, it's safe to say something is wrong with the discs themselves. Take a careful look at the data side of the CDs. Something as small as a fingerprint can render a data disc (CD, DVD or Blu-ray) unusable. If you find there are dirt marks or fingerprints on the data side of the CD, carefully clean them off with a soft cloth. You can use a little Windex if they are stubborn.

On the other hand, if there are scratches in the data surface, you're probably out of luck.

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