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Yesterday I posted a pic of a few new cabs I had started. A few minutes later I received an email from another forum member asking if I had recently converted to HO. I told him because of remodeling at home and space limitations I had made that decision. He fired back telling me I should not use the OGR forum again and I was a traitor to O scale. I thought he was joking and responded accordingly. He was not joking!


I pulled the pic and deleted the post. After a day of thinking about it I am not angry, I really kind of feel sorry for the guy. Even though I am changing to HO does not mean I still do not love O scale (matter of fact I like them all, prototype and models). I intend to remain a premium member and keep posting every now and then. This is supposed to be a fun hobby and I will do my part to keep it this way. With that said I have started a few new cabooses. I cut these out yesterday, Illinois Central, L&N, Southern and 4 Union cabs not in the picture.


I had a good vacation, a whole month of no styrene! Now it's time to get back to work.







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  • 20150112_2
Last edited by Brother_Love
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Seems kinda funny some one would just go off the handle because you change gauges for size reasons as some one with a long back ground in one gauge doesn't mean he can't model in another because of things that have changed in there life. Also as most realize that for actual modeling of trains the only real; difference you need to remember that O is about twice the size of HO Hence the HO= half of O way it has always been taught to me. To me its still trains. 

My first choice would be 7.5 inch gauge, but modeling Horseshoe Curve requires over 300 feet of backyard. Even O would be about 25 feet.


I can set up a Christmas layout in N,HO,O, and G. The kiddies love any size.


My new house will only have about 12x20 feet to work with. I admire the detail in HO layouts. But, I don't want to spend the next 10 years scenic'g a new layout.


But N would allow some really long consists.....


"Didn't think of myself as a traitor! Started some new cabs too!"

    Hi Malcolm, Don't worry about what that guy said. You've earned you O scale cred and it don't go away just because you are modeling in another scale.  I too model in what ever scale suits my current layout concept best and just because I don't have an O scale layout now that don't mean I might not have one again sometime in the future. Keep up the good work with those caboose models in whatever scale you want :> ........DaveB



A few years back I was working with a group of European soldiers in Afghanistan.  Every morning, I would remind my team to not let the language barrier cause mission failure.  We knew communication was difficult, what they said was very likely not what they meant, so treat every thing that seemed wrong with caution.  As an example; they used the word "must" regularly.  It is the only English word they knew that implied "need"!  "You must do this" actually meant "something is important and needs to be done".  Using the English language may be one of the hardest skills to master in the world!  I hope the gentleman that seems to have accosted you I simply a less skilled communicator!


As to your qualifications to post on an O scale board... the proof is in the pudding; and you my friend are swimming in deep pudding! 


Maybe the poor soul was so stricken with what he thought was the total loss of your participation that he was speaking from a broken heart and his emotions got the better of him!


Malcolm; Please keep posting, your modeling, your skill at building models is a pleasure to see! And I and many others  wish they could even come close to creating them.

Don't let one persons opinion sway you.  I like trains and they come in many sizes, right up to prototype . Just keep on building and let us all enjoy seeing your work and skill. Franky Ogee


Good morning all,

Thank you for all your nice comments.


I have an update. The gentleman  that I heard from called me this morning after we exchanged phone numbers. He apologized and we talked for quite some time. He has some very trying issues in his life right now and said it was a bad morning went he had written me the first time. I really have sympathy for him now and we promised to keep in touch. I offered to pray for him on the phone and he accepted the offer. As the old saying goes, "this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship."


I am very sorry for his trouble right now but very grateful that this turned out the way it did. I told him that I was going to write about our conversation on the forum and he was OK with that. I told him I wanted all of you to know this came out well!



I talk to myself too much any more.  I often wonder when I go the doctors office and definitely on Sunday in Church, just what these front runners see and hear on a daily basis. Either profession would be difficult at best. A special person, multi-talented, and extremely well skilled to deal with the world as it is. 

 You have my blessing and prayer, Malcolm

Made my day,  Mike CT   

Malcolm, I'm very happy it all worked out well. I'm happy that you will continue to post here. I enjoy seeing your incredible work. You're lucky you got an apology. I've run into a few jerks in this hobby and I've never once received an apology.


Quick question: Will you still be building cabooses in O scale for customers or is it now only HO scale for you? I'm Just curious as I can't tell what scale the cabooses are in the above picture.

In an age when nations and individuals routinely exchange murder for murder, when the healing grace of authentic spirituality is usurped by the divisive politics of religious organizations, and when broken hearts bleed pain in darkness without the relief of compassion, the voice of an exceptional poet (you, Malcolm) producing exceptional work is not something the world can afford to dismiss.
Originally Posted by Brother_Love:

I purchased a G scale caboose today just so I could set it on the shelf and look at it.

Same thing more or less!  I bought a Bachmann Ten-Wheeler a few months ago just to look at, next thing I knew I had a tankcar, caboose, and an 8 foot circle of track


Malcolm, you must have hands and nerves of steel.  All that cutting would have worn me out both physically and mentally.


Glad things turned out OK with your new buddy   Speaking from experience I can relate to both sides.

Malcolm - I'm sure your contributions outweigh anything most others have posted.  There's a some easy mods in your more elaborate projects (screens, shades, etc) that guys like me can benefit from using.  You are a great teacher, so no mater what scale you are doing I hope you post your work.  It all translates from scale to scale.  


Traitor is a harsh word that shouldn't be used carelessly, and certainly not when referring to model railroading.

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