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I'm only guessing but I would think a good many were brick back in those days?

I would think a ready made one would be a great starting point that you could upgrade?

I myself, would pick a certain road's and in a certain city and then just go from there. What RR are you modeling? (UP?)

I know you thought of all this but my modern shed is really a loose copy of the fueling shed at Selkirk, NY. I may do something else like the shops in Altoona someday?

Alex M posted:

Hi guys thanks for the info. I want to totally scratch build this shed. what guy posted looks great, as Joe said a brick facade would fit the era   Guy what is the footprint of your structure , I really like the way it came out , I would build a structure like that only with a brick facade    




Alex it is 21" long 9" wide (12" with shed) wide and 9"high, Johnny like's to it fit's well in that spot .


As I search for stuff I see that there were roundhouses converted to maintaining diesels, as well as separate diesel only buildings added to the existing yard sites. I was surprised that more pictures didn't show up? Maybe I need to narrow the search to just a certain RR in a certain city. I did come across a few:

some clubs have nice pictures posted of their's in different scales.:

or maybe somethink Frank S would like?

Hi Alex!  Not sure if you made a decision yet, but if you build two of the following I'll gladly purchase one!!   This two-stall diesel shed was located at the Jersey Central's Ashley, PA  engine terminal.  It was "built" in the mid-to-late 1950's by the frugal (and cash-strapped!) CNJ by simply leaving two stalls standing from what used to be a roundhouse.  So it's a bit unique in that it's wedge shaped from front to back, not the typical rectangular shape of many diesel sheds.



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  • Scan0002
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Last edited by CNJ #1601
joeyA posted:

Hi Alex!  Not sure if you made a decision yet, but if you build two of the following I'll gladly purchase one!!   This shed was located at the Jersey Central's Ashley, PA  engine terminal.  As you can see in the attachment, it is a two-stall diesel engine house that was "built" by simply leaving two stalls standing from what used to be a roundhouse.  So it's a bit unique in that it's not the typical rectangular shape from front to back.


No image. 

sinclair posted:
joeyA posted:

Hi Alex!  Not sure if you made a decision yet, but if you build two of the following I'll gladly purchase one!!   This shed was located at the Jersey Central's Ashley, PA  engine terminal.  As you can see in the attachment, it is a two-stall diesel engine house that was "built" by simply leaving two stalls standing from what used to be a roundhouse.  So it's a bit unique in that it's not the typical rectangular shape from front to back.

No image. 

Thanks, Sinclair.  Should be fixed now!

Last edited by CNJ #1601

I have a tiny spot in a corner of my layout that is reserved for a small diesel facility:

Diesel Yard

The plan is to build half of a 2-stall shed right in the corner, up against the mirror, just behind the transfer table. I have been planning to build a freelance structure in the style of the structures in the CNJ Ashley yards. I cannot literally build the roundhouse sliver, since the mirror trick requires a symmetrical building. But, when I eventually get around to this structure, my intention is to make it reminiscent of that facility. I think it could be something unique with a lot of character.


Images (1)
  • Diesel Yard

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