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Help - I have a MMI brass K-27 Mikado that a fella wants to trade with me for.  I picked this up several years ago here on the forum but really have no idea what it is worth.  In looking on the auction site I see 5 or 6 similar locomotive with different cab numbers. Two are listed by a shop in WI for $549 but they are 'used' and have black boilers. Cab Nos 453.  A third is at a shop in GB, has the factory painted "Flying Grande" black boiler and cab No 493. The box shows it as a K-37. This one is listed at $1082 USD.

Several others are asking $1795 and one is $2249?


Ours is a factory painted Green boiler cab No 463. Has a speaker in the tender with a multi-port connector. These are beautiful, heavy locomotives with a high level of detail made in Korea.  Mine appears to be un-run.


Had hoped to add an On3 line to our layout before it was dismantled. Now, she just sits here looking pretty!


Does anyone here know the market for these? What's she worth as 'trade value' towards a Legacy engine in your educated opinion?  I really like this one and won't mind keeping it either. Would not sell it outright for $500 and if she's worth $1000 I don't want to let it go for $600...    Where else can I ask? 








These are the labels from two of the others

$_12 [1)

$_57 [2)


Images (5)
  • IMG_1912
  • IMG_1915
  • IMG_1916
  • $_12 (1)
  • $_57 (2)
Last edited by c.sam
Original Post

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Sam, I think you have to look at what MMI is now charging for the same locomotive and price accordingly.

I think the new ones are cast instead of sheet brass. The k27 on ebay is from some idiots in the UK that always price their US stuff almost twice what the item is worth.


I probably wouldn't pay more than $6oo if I were in the market for MMI. Unless it is all brass.





Last edited by Ron H

Hi Sam


These MMI locos as stated above are mainly cast not brass as the others are.They sell for around $600 brand new here is a link to one of the main sellers.


They sell for between $400 - $500 on ebay etc sometimes a bit cheaper depending on condition.


You cant compare them to full brass models even though they are superb looking engines


Also if this is an early release with sound They had lots of negative comments when released and never added sound again.Most people now rip out the sound electronics and replace with tsunami . 

hope this helps





Last edited by vinceuk

I sold that very same engine some time ago in On30 scale for $450 and was glad to get it.  Now that they are getting a little more rare and MMI doesn't appear to be planning another production run, you might get a bit more but do not expect  the 1200+ you see for PSC Crown or Berlyn Models which are 100% brass.  That's comparing a Chevy to a Cadillac, both GMC but not the same car.



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