I don't understand why i am getting different readings on my meter ,i have a dc power supply for the led lights on the bridge & on the track underneath the bridge ,the power supply is hooked up to a dimmer switch & i can adjust the britness for the lights without any problem ,i can adjust the voltage coming out of the dimmer to as low as 1.76 v coming out of the dimmer with the bridge & track lights on ,yet when i take the wires for the bridge & track lights out & put the wires going to the menards strip mall in the dimmer the voltage jumps right up to 9 volts with just a small turn of the dimmer switch ,i can't adjust the voltage any lower ,i want to note that i am not plugging the menards power supply into the building using this dc power supply ,i am waiting for the ac to dc converter to get here ,i just want to make sure the lights on the building works ,could it be the reason i can't adjust the brightness for the menards building wires is because there is no load on that wire ? The first photo shows the bridge & track lights on ,the second photo shows the wires for the bridge &b track lights & the third shows the menards wires hooked up to the dimmer .
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