Looking for help replacing for digital source that would have facsimile of this rock n roll ditty. ...
Does anyone know the name of the song, ditty, or whatever?
I played the sound into my "identify this song" feature on Google and it came up empty. It's usually remarkably good at quickly identifying obscure musical snippets.
When viewing your linked youtube video this one also came up which has less background audio:
I converted the video to MP3 format (attached) and edited it down to one instance of the "ditty." It's about 15 seconds long. From what I can tell, this 15 second sound repeats over and over with a gap of a couple seconds.
So if you can't identify/find the digital "source" I suppose you could find someone who has the diner and will record a better audio or video...and convert that to a digital format that your chosen sound module can play. As others show, there's no shortage of inexpensive hardware modules or gadgets that would work. I figure there will be some wiring retro-fit hassle depending on if/how you want to re-use the existing speaker, control switches, power wires, etc.