Hello Everyone,
I thought anyone could go to the York Meet for the first time with out being a TCA member.
Now my wife tells me,we need to be members to go to the meet.
I plan on going for two days,so would it be cheaper to just join the TCA?,than to pay for two days admission?
And can I register to join the TCA right at York?and if so,where and when can I do this there?We plan on attending Friday and Saturday.
So could I join and bring her as a guest?
I'm pretty sure she does not want to become a member,but I would like to.Please help.
I understand I can join the TCA for $22.00,I am a virgin to the meet,but I must make my first pilgrimage this year,and vow to never miss another one!!! I know it's getting late,but I need to know what to do here.
Please help and help out out the fire in my living room right now
Thanks,Kenny B