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I am conducting an unscientific poll and want to hear from scratch-builders about your experiences.  Here is the question:

When you order from companies like Plastruct, Evergreen, K&S, Model Builders Supply, The N Scale Architect, etc. do their structural components meet their stated specifications?  In other words, if a component is advertised to be 1/4" x 1/2" x 30", is it?




Last edited by G3750
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Is this another "2 by 4" dimensional issue?...IOW, nominal vs. reality?

I tend to think each mfr has set a reasonable tolerance for the nominal dimension.  Sometimes variations in the manufacturing process (draw, extrude, cut, mold, etc.) can account for a few thousandths within nominal.  Some plastics will have varying degrees of shrinkage through high-heat processes.  Metal extrusion processes will have die wear over time to contend with. 

Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera....

If I were making something requiring precise fit/match, I suppose I'd find myself turning, cutting, filing, etc., the part to a precise dimension, checking frequently with verniers/micrometer, to assure dimensional accuracy.

Have you been frustrated/stymied recently in a particular project by this issue?  Tell us more.


dkdkrd posted:

Is this another "2 by 4" dimensional issue?...IOW, nominal vs. reality?

I tend to think each mfr has set a reasonable tolerance for the nominal dimension.  Sometimes variations in the manufacturing process (draw, extrude, cut, mold, etc.) can account for a few thousandths within nominal.  Some plastics will have varying degrees of shrinkage through high-heat processes.  Metal extrusion processes will have die wear over time to contend with. 

Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera....

If I were making something requiring precise fit/match, I suppose I'd find myself turning, cutting, filing, etc., the part to a precise dimension, checking frequently with verniers/micrometer, to assure dimensional accuracy.

Have you been frustrated/stymied recently in a particular project by this issue?  Tell us more.


To answer your questions:

  • No, this isn't a dimensional issue.  This is an adherence to specification issue.  Lumber isn't involved.
  • If you have any manufacturer's published tolerances, by all means let's see them.
  • I accuse no one.  My request was for information i.e. people's experiences, not their pontifications.
  • If people would rather respond to me off-line, my e-mail is in my profile.  All responses will be treated confidentially.


Last edited by G3750

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