Not only do I not know the value (what is it?), I don't even know what FPGA, DSP, and ASIC mean
The following is from The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition, page 206. Look at the Differences column for the Rev. L TIU. The discussion of FPGA vs. ASIC for digital signal processing (DSP) is the same for PS3 engines, which will be further discussed in the 3rd edition:
All I know is that PS2 gives me reliable control of loco direction, speed, lights, whistle, bell, couplin etc., without being limited to blocks,
How is the any different with PS3?
It is also fairly repairable, according to GGG, does not have a troublesome 40-pin connector
That's the price you pay for miniaturization of a more capable board. Regardless, for the vast majority of operators, who don't mess with the engine's electronics, this is a non-issue.
It's also a non-issue for those who install a future PS3 upgrade kit, since those upgrade boards (PS32 and the future 3 volt model) don't have the "troublesome" 40-pin connector (it's actually the wires that are the issue, not the connector).
FWIW, I don't particularly care for handling the 40-pin connector, either. However, if treated with respect, it's perfectly capable of being removed and replaced without any issues.
permits changing sound and control files (all in one file) easily.
That's just not true.
PS3 sound files allow one to change sound and speed control in exactly the same manner as do PS2 sound files.
PS3 Chain Files allow one to update/change other parameters in PS3 engines that simply cannot be changed at all in PS2 engines without special equipment that only MTH possesses.