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trainroomgary posted:
luvindemtrains posted:

Can someone school me on what equipment that I need, besides a computer, to upgrade? I mean baby steps people!

Hi luvindemtrains

1, Who sold you the TIU?  If it was your local hobby shop, they should do this for free.

If you are going to it yourself, you will need these 3 cables.

Cables for MTH DCS Upgrade

Also check out this OGR Forum Tread, there are many threads on this topic. Do an OGR Forum Search.

Good Luck: Gary


I appreciate you replying to my message. I will call the hobby shop I purchased it from but just in case, I now know what I will need to do it myself.

Barry Broskowitz posted:

What is the purpose of doing a refresh?

If you don't need it, don't do it. It simply ensures that the layout is as the app expects it to be, with all the same TIUs, AIUs and engines that were previously present.

Be aware that the Android version will automatically do a refresh every time it riuns from the "Run My Trains" Welcome screen.

Thanks Barry.  For the time being, I will continue NOT doing a refresh until I change something on the layout.


I use the super mode. If I record a session using the remotes,can I play it back using the Wi-Fi? I thought once you hit the play button, the tiu took over so to speak. Of course, I haven’t played back the latest session I recorded and I assume it will work using the remote. I assume this is just a Wi-Fi thing? Is this correct? I know what can happen when one assumes!

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