I have about 35' of black, fine E Z line already installed on my layout. It is a great product and has resisted several bumps and snags. But I find it almost invisible against the majority of the dark layout background. (It looks way better if viewed from below, against the white ceiling, but this is not the usual perspective.)
I have another area of the layout needing several telegraph/telephone wires on crossarms. My questions:
1. Should I go with the heavy line (.02 inches) or the fine (.01 inches)? These scale out to approximately 1 inch and 1/2 inch respectively.
2. E Z Line comes in 6 colors. I am thinking white might be the better choice. The green (old copper) might work too. Berkshire Junction website suggests these 2 colors and advises that the black can be hard to see.
Can anyone with first hand experience comment? Many thanks.