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The DZ-2500 Breakout PCB board was first advertised in OGR back in April.  It is still being advertised.  I emailed ERR a couple of times for some info on it, and here are the responses from ERR.

My May email asking about the product:  "The wires from the switches go into push on terminals. Then your cable to the switches go in screw terminals. No soldering. There is also some kind of electronic protection from any spikes from the non-derailing feature."  They stated more information when the designer gets back from vacation.

In my July email I asked a couple of questions:  "Replaces the 1008 [relay]?  -  No.  Adds capability not found in the 1008?  -  No.  Circuit protection?  -  Circuit protection has been added.  As customers start using the product we will discover what is and isn't protected."  I found that last sentence interesting.

I've since lost interest as I wire my layout.  If the board every comes out I may give one a try.



I purchased a board but it came with no instructions.  Ken did not develop the board and did not know much about  it.  I did notice the the wire colors were labeled on the the clips with screw downs for the 6 wires again which wouldn't help for easy wiring.  It appears to be just a pass through board unless there is some protection in it. I thought you would connect the 6 colored and then run wires to the TIU or bus lines to power it to throw the switches without knowing for sure witch color of wire you were suppose to use. 


gunrunnerjohn posted:

If ERR is offering it, someone must have documentation for it!

Hey John, you and I were in electronics, you know documentation is always months behind, and 99% wrong to boot!  Then gets reworked and updated until well after the equipment is obsolete and replaced with "the next great thing".


How did you get a board?  I don't see it on ERR's web site and they don't take phone orders (per the site).  I've decided I want to take a look at it to see if it isolates the DZ-2500 if it fails instead of killing all the other DZ-2500s on the circuit.  This way I won't have to run multiple parallel data runs with a few switches on each, or put in a SPDT switch every few DZ-2500s on a long run to make trouble shooting easier.  This is the only function that would make me buy more.

If I can't figure it out, maybe John will look at it.

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