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I have a two oval layout with two sets of back to back 022 switches to allow for trains to enter and leave the inner oval.  When ever I try to enter the inner oval the train gets as far as the inner switch but once it starts to enter the curved portion of the second (inner) switch the train stops - What am I doing wrong?  The pins are in the position Lionel says they should be



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Steve, like it or not, the loops are independent.  Each must have a hot feed to the senter rail and a common feed to the outside rail.  The non-derailing rails on the switches, which have a fiber pin at the end and, if you look closely, one in the mddle, are connected to the switch coil when a train wheel/axle hits that area, it carries ground from the other rail and feeds it to the coil, to throw the switch so its lined up for the train.

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