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While running some of my engines on a club layout, the two PS3 engines I had on the track both had issues. The first, an MTH Premier Pacific, PS3, most recent run, steaming whistle. The engine started up like normal, I began to move it, it moved, no chuff, then after a few seconds, and reaching 4smph, the engine began screeching and making a static noise. I of course stopped operation, lowered power to off, and took it off the rail. It has since operated normally elsewhere. The other, an MTH premier Berkshire, PS3, most recent run with steaming whistle, ran normal, with the exception of the steaming whistle. It output smoke in puffs, not a steady stream; unless the quilable whistle was used, then it functioned exactly as intended and put out smoke in a steady stream at low, mid, and high intensity. Has yet to be tested elsewhere.

Last edited by MissingME&WV
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