Ok, I took the J3a Hudson apart. I found two issues that could have contributed to the stalling. The first and most likely was a misaligned tach sensor. The sensor is mounted to a metal bracket that is screwed to the frame. The holes in the bracket are threaded to accept the screws but I also found the frame holes that the screws passed through were threaded??
The fix was to drill out the threads in the frame so the screws could tighten the bracket to it. I also found one of the valve gear rods was bent fairly severely which caused the wheels to bind. Luckily the metal was soft and I was able to get it close to straight but not perfect.
I had to resolder some piping as well. I think some previous owner had tried to repair the engine and was a little ham fisted in the attempt.
Anyway all's well that ends well. No complaints as it was still a bargain.