Hi Ray
I can't read your link text, but I suspect that it is the same as in my post.
I've had a reply from them. They claim that it's not a debit , but a pending charge.
All I have on my bank statement is a debit. Presumably they will send me a credit when they work out the actual charge.
I have been buying on line for a long time now and I've never been subjected to this practice before.
I'm not sure how Americans view this, but I'm sure that the rest of the English speaking world find it unacceptable; at the very least offensive.
Some of our banks are copping flak for holding non-cash from transactions (cheques and cards), and are moving away from it as the result of pressure from customers.
I should have been suspicious when Hobbylinc wouldn't accept PayPal. Clearly they are trying to avoid the charges.
I guess that when they get around to it, they will pass a credit. Time will tell.
I won't be dealing with them again.
Thanks for your support.