Hi Everyone,
283 steam engine with 4 position reversing unit. Everything about the reverser looks original to me.
When I go from forward to neutral, or reverse to neutral; the engine lunges in that direction before it goes into neutral.
This did this before I opened the tender, and still does it after I cleaned the reverse unit. I cleaned the drum, fingers, polished the drum, and oiled the ends of the drum. I added slight pressure to the fingers. The drum looks good. It turns well. The fingers are landing where they should on the drum.
It makes perfect sense why the engine does this. When I'm in forward and stop the train, the drum is still in the forward position. When I reapply power, the fingers are still on the forward pads of the drum - so the engine lunges forward. At the same time, the reverser solenoid engages, and rotates the drum into the neutral position, and the engine goes into neutral.
Like I said: It makes sense why it is doing this. But I know it's not supposed to do this. None of my other Flyer engines do it. Somehow, the solenoid is supposed to turn the drum before the engine sees enough power to move the wheels.
What am I missing so I can fix this?
Thank you,