Originally Posted by Tom's Turnouts:
Finally, something to fill the void... But what is Hi-rail? The 125 rail won't allow for Am Flyer to operate; which I assume includes Lionel AF. The write up says scale is a non-starter also. So what is left?
I wonder what the market size is for whatever is Hi-rail only???
Tom Stoltz
in Maine
Tom, I tested the Flyonel Mikado and Pacific on code 100 and 125. Both run fine on 125 and the Pacific even runs on 100. So current Flyonel, SHS, and American Models will probably work if I had to guess. Code 125 is the low end of the NMRA Hi-rail spec. Tim told me that he tried he tried, much like yourself, to source MTH/SHS rail with no success so he settled on Micro Engineering rail because it is available. He tried to make a fixture, like yours, that allowed both scale and hi-rail to operate but wasn't happy with the results. He already has scale fixtures, now he has hi-rail. Why would he want to make something for AF? How many AF modelers would be interested in building their own turnouts and track? I'm thinking not many.