So the funny thing is that I built some LED lights around ten years ago and never installed them. I had plenty of excuses like the yard wasn't finalized. Our grandson came across the lights a few times and asked what they were for. Last week it happened again and he wanted to ballast the tracks like Rich Battista did in his favorite video. He asked me for a sharpie so he could first color the nail heads holding the tracks down. I got a kick out of that because he remembered it from the videos.
Anyways he asked me what I was going to be working on. Usually it's a broken engine or similar but I was all caught up. So I thought I could help him with the ballast. He replied, "no, I've got it. Why don't you put in the lights?"
I didn't have a good excuse ready,..... so I started putting in the lights. I had to stop a few times to help him like mixing the glue spray. Finally we ran out of time and he had to leave. So I promised I'd finish the lights.
There will be more lighting as I build and install the buildings and light the elevated tracks in the background. I just might have to be ready with better excuses from now on, when things aren't getting done.