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I am up by 5:30 every morning and when I come downstairs I like to check my email and the Forum and eBay to see what went on overnight. It seems like most morning this site and ONLY this site drags. For example it took 73 seconds after I clicked to post a new topic unto it brought it up. Any and all other web sites fly as I have the highest and fastest bandwidth available from Comcast except this site. Even when this site is performing at it's best, most other web sites are still faster loading.

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Originally Posted by Allan Miller:

I'm moving a bit slow myself this morning...not the Forum or the Internet, just me. 

Me too most mornings lol! Maybe it's had it's morning coffee now. It's wasn't just this AM but an awful lot of times this server shows much slower actual response times to ping and other response requests then any other site I go to. Somewhere along the pipe there is a problem.

From Hoopla Tech Support - TODAY:



We have a couple of separate backup processes that run on your site. We run one daily backup at 1am EST (that takes up to 4 hours to complete). We also run a separate weekly backup at 6am EST on Tuesday mornings (that takes just over an hour to complete).


I did a bunch of digging into our analytics and logs to see if I can correlate their complaints to real issues on the server. From what I can tell, both VaGolfer1950 and Dewey Trogdon only experienced slowness around 6am-7am EST, which would correlate to the weekly backup process. From what I can see, however, there wasn't a significant amount of slowness. There definitely was some, but certainly not all requests were slow (and in fact, most requests were actually fast/normal). I also didn't see any 73 second long requests as VaGolfer1950 complained of.


In any event, when users have complaints on these types of issues, the more specifics you can get, the better! Including:


- Specific time (to the minute) of the slowness

- Specific URL(s) that are slow

- Are all pages affected or just some?


We will continue to monitor the situation and determine if there is further action needed on our end. Rest assured that we will take all necessary steps to correct the problem.





There ya go...straight from the Hoopla tech Support Department. Whatever slowness you are experiencing at 0-dark-30 is due to the backup being run then. And with the amount of new data that is added to this forum every day, I can easily see that backup taking four hours to complete.

Walt, I'm sorry, but that tells us nothing.

Quoted from the Tech Support response above:
...when users have complaints on these types of issues, the more specifics you can get, the better! Including:

- Specific time (to the minute) of the slowness
- Specific URL(s) that are slow
- Are all pages affected or just some?

We need that information so that Hoopla Tech Support can go to the server logs and see if it was actually caused by something on the forum server, and if so, determine EXACTLY what caused the slow-down.


There are all kinds of reasons for slow response on the internet, and not all of them are server-related. It could also be a "traffic jam" on the internet somewhere that caused it.

Last edited by Rich Melvin
Originally Posted by OGR Webmaster:

Walt, I'm sorry, but that tells us nothing.

Sorry Rich, I hadn't read the blurb on the details.  I'll try to keep them in mind and do better - if things continue.  They are pretty good today (3/7)


Actually it was in all phases for 3/4 and 3/5 and 3/6.  But it seemed worse when trying to make a reply or after hitting submit.


I got a lot of 'connecting' messages.


I am usually on between 10:00 AM EST and 11:30 AM EST.


- walt

Last edited by walt rapp
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