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I have used woodland scenics inclines for the last few months but I just had them pinned down.  I decided today to actually glue them too the benchwork.  Before I glued them down everything ran fine.  No issues running trains, no derailments or anything. 


I took a few hours and glued them down with Liquid Nails Foam adhesive and put the track back on the inclines.  Wow now I get derailments in several areas of my mainline.  I am using Fastrack and I do not any areas of the track where it is uneven or separated.  


Oh well, guess I will be pulling up every piece of track and reinstalling it hopping to get ride of the issue.  

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What color is the adhesive?

I have the pink foam and same Woodland scenics risers.
I used the blue liquid nails foam adhesive w/o problems...

But, I also went one extra step. Cork roadbed because I used Atlas 3rail track.
I even used the foam adhesive between the risers and the roadbed. Solid as a rock.
I did use GE clear silicone II adhesive between the Atlas track and the cork roadbed.

I store the layout vertical between holidays. No track shifting at all.

If it helps. A putty or pocket knife between the foam and the adhesive and a bit of gentle elbow grease will pop apart the two foam pieces apart. I've been able to peel the adhesive off the foam and reuse both improperly aligned foam items.

Also, if you buy new adhesive for a cauliflower gun, be sure to buy cartridges laying down. The adhesive will remain properly mixed vs cartridges that have been standing upright for who knows how long.

How else can we help?

All fixed!


I had to shim up one part of the track where the inclines didn't line up very well.  I knew that they didn't before I glued the track down but it didn't give me an issue before.  


Another area was a switch.  I just had swapped out all my turnouts for command ones and on one the points didn't close all the way.  Guess that one will have to be returned and a new one purchased.  



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