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Here you go.

The set only consists of 4 cars. I believe many of the other cars have already been produced or are available now. I am assuming the funeral set will have the cars decorated the way they were for the event. Example, the Kenefick business car will have the presidential seal instead of the UP shield on the drumhead.

One car they still haven't produced is the 2066 power car. Very unique and was part of that train. I hope they do it someday.


Last edited by Norton

If you are considering building the full consist, Lionel has just released 4 of the cars that were in that train. Look for UP Excursion Expansion Pack 3 and Expansion Pack 4. I expect they will sell out quickly then offered at inflated prices by the resellers. Many dealers are offering them at a discount now.

Incorporating the Lone Star in that train will take some ingenuity. It was coupled in the middle of the train right behind the Council Bluffs.

It comes with a nice looking scale coupler which does not pivot on one end. The coupler box is molded to the deck. It will require some surgery to allow use of this car on any layout with less than 200" diameter curves.


Last edited by Norton

Might be overkill, but here is a list I put together for the Bush Funeral train, the Bush family train, the 4014 trip and the Cali Excursion.

Big Boy Excursion Trip
UP 40144014
Water CarJim Adams
UP 844844
Water CarJoe Jordan
Tool CarArt Lockman
Boiler CarHoward Fogg
Baggage CarLynn Nystrom
Power Car207
Crew CarWillie James
Crew CarOmaha
Dome LoungeCity of San Francisco
Bush Funeral Train
 UP 2066
 City of Portland
 City of San Francisco
 Council Bluffs
 Lone Star
 City of Denver
 Walter Dean
Bush Jr Funeral Train
 Columbia River
 Powder River
 Lake Bluff
 Lake Forrest
 Green River
 City Of Los Angeles
 Little Rock
 Feather River
4014 Cali Excursion
 Joe Jordan
 Jim Adams
 Art Lockman
 Howard Fogg
 Lynn Nystrom
 Experience UP
 Green River
 Walter Dean
 City of Denver
 Little Rock
 Sunshine Special
 City of Salina
 Texas Eagle
 Missouri River Eagle
 Colorado Eagle
 City Of Los Angeles
 City of Portland
 City of San Francisco
Last edited by vash44

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