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Beginning Sunday, September 15 and continuing with today's digest, I find that I receive a request to login to see certain messages in the digest list. I can see the details for about the first 6 messages in the digest list. After that I receive a request to login to see the details for the next 8 or so messages. After that, I can see the details for all the remaining messages without a request for login. I've never seen this before. Can anyone tell me what is happening here. I assume this is operator error.  What am I doing wrong?

Please help.....


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I don't think you're doing anything wrong. It might be depend on specifically which forum the post is in. Some forums are only available to digital subscribers, and a login would be required to see them.

It's either that, or your computer is not storing the forum login credentials properly. In that case, delete the browser cache and cookies and log in again.

Last edited by Rich Melvin

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