I drove back from York this April with three boxes full of "Glenn Toy Trains". I came by these through the good graces of Arno, who has been working hard to broaden my Standard Gauge horizons.
Glenn Gerhard made these in fairly small numbers in the 1980's. Instead of using presses to punch out sheet metal parts, Gerhard worked with a foundry to make almost all the parts - frames, bodies, trucks, wheels, and detail parts - from cast aluminum.
The cars are big, and heavy. The little 0-6-0, being only a switcher after all, can't really pull all 12 of my Glenn cars; I was cheating a little, using the downhill 2% grade on my layout for the opening shot. After that, it's just a few at a time.
The design and level of detail on these is pretty incredible, it may be hard to see with all the movement in the video. Very nice craftsmanship throughout. The bay window caboose is just the cat's meow, these are really a delight to show.