Very often, when I arrive at the home of two of my grandsons, ages 7 and 5, I find an amazing model railroad on the playroom floor – which was the case today. They have been building their own model railroads since they were about 2 or 3 years old and continue to amuse themselves with this. From an early age, they began to watch and run trains on my two basement layouts, which they can now operate without directions from me – although advice may sometimes be helpful. They also have a carpet layout with 2 locomotives and 2 switches which receives similar attention from them… When they were smaller, we often visited the local train station and spent hours watching Metro-North and Amtrak trains come and go. We have also taken a few train rides together.
I’m not sure whether the boys or I benefit more from our activities together. But, from these two pictures, it is plain to see that their model trains are a creative and enjoyable activity for them and their grandpa. I think their interest is a good thing.