PRR S-2 6-8-6 and J-1 2-10-4 LED and decoder install and assembly.
S-2 6-8-6. After installing all the LED's: headlight (engine, tender), marker lights (engine, tender), running board lights, cab light and fire box glow; some weight was made from 1/16" thick lead stock.

A 4" width piece was rolled until the desired diameter was obtained. The stock used was about 4"X9".

Found these in the engine box: pretty sure I can pitch them!

One 8 pin connector from engine to tender and one 4 pint connector from boiler to frame and engine was ready for checking and loading into decoderpro.

One tiny spider has decided my workbench makes a good home!

All's functioning.

Marker lights gets the green wire, running board lights gets the pink wire.

MMM; time to clean the lens, again!

Headlight gets the yellow wire.

Tender marker lights gets the brown wire. All LED's are on functions keys so they can be turned off.

Hard to tell that there is green in the black paint!

Had a short, sometimes, on the curve in the Seattle's yard. Some appliances would touch the insulated side of the driver. A slight bending fixed that. While assembling the engine, I noticed it was very close to the driver so the diagnostics was quick.

Almost forgot the elephant ears! Still needs to be tested on the mainline. I went into decoderpro and shut off the chuffing sound since this is a turbine. Initially, I tried maxing and, also, minimizing the chuff sound, hoping to get a constant 'swish' but that failed. I turned on the blower (fn 14); that sounded good for a turbine but it seems to shut off when moving the engine a few feet. Any ideas for a steam turbine sound would be welcomed.

J-1 2-10-4: As with the S-2, LED's installed; still have to organize them. Open frame motor replaced with a can motor. Some silicone caulk secured the motor to the frame.

A piece of rod was inserted between gear and motor to keep the tubing from 'flopping' or twisting.

Finding engineers and firemen have become a useless endeavor so I'm painted some cheap China sitting people with blue paint to make 'engineers'. I need about 100 of each so this is the only economical way to do it.

I inserted some PSC seats in the cab and glued in my 'engineer' and 'fireman'.

Lots of wires to organize, yet!

I forgot to drill holes for the speaker!

All my engines that I paint and install DCC gets this decoder.

New delivery. I did manage to find some Weston figures on ebay getting the whole lot for only about 30 bucks. Weston has none in stock and most sellers want an 'arm and leg' for them. I like the Weston figures.

I've got, probably, a thousand figures but, unfortunately, very few engineers.

Also, just arrived.